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Fredag ​​5: 54

The alarm from my phone was what woke me up in the first place.

I let out a bored breath as I tried to straighten up to reach my night table just to frown at the feeling of a weight around my abdomen.

I immediately lowered my eyes on my stomach just to instantly give a look over my shoulder.

"Um... iskra put out this damn alarm. It is too early." Chris groaned with an open eye seeming to barely awake before he pulled me closer to his bare chest, leaving me to shake my head against the pillow.

" We will be late. Remember that I live more than an hour from high school ?" I whispered taking a fresh look at the brown through the obscurity of my room dimly lit by my phone screen.

Chris let out a tired grunge before hiding his face against my shoulder by tightening his grip on his tee shirt that I was currently wearing. "You don't need to get ready this early. You are beautiful in nature."

I immediately rolled my eyes despite the slight smile lying on my lips before sighing as I sneaked a path under his arm to turn off my phone.

I turned on my side to come face to face with Chris and looked him through the darkness as I passed my fingers along his face.

"Stop tickling me. I'm trying to sleep. "

The brown soon let out a new grunt before coming closer to his chest until I had my head caught in the hollow of his neck making me giggle slightly.

I threw an arm on his waist leaving my fingers absent-mindedly dancing on his bare back before taking in his soothing odor.

After our fight last night, I had been unable to let Chris go. It had begun with kisses every time he told me that William was waiting for him and supplications when the same William gave us horns in impatience.

Finally the brown had given us the middle finger before accelerating in passing us.

That was how I ended up in Chris's tee-shirt and he'd spent the night. Obviously nothing had happened except a few kisses and more sucks from me along his neck and torso.

I had to admit that learning new sensations with the brown when I thought I was destitute was both exciting and disconcerting.

Nevertheless, I did not regret for a moment that I had retained it.

I closed my heavy eyelids in a feeling of comfort and warmth that I had not felt for a long time before sinking slowly into a deep sleep.


Note for later : never listen to Christoffer.

I just could not believe I had missed my first two hours because of him.

And now I was strolling down the corridors barely dressed and even less makeup.

I shouted sex and again, I had done absolutely nothing. I could not even believe I had become such a cliché.

It would not be wanting that Christoffer had worn his sweatshirt Penetrators in place of the sweat he had lent me today.

There, I would shout to the whole world that Chris had actually spent the night at home. One thing I was not really looking forward to showing. Chris was perhaps my boyfriend but he was also known as the biggest fuckboy of Nissens. Once he and I have sex, I had no doubt that the girls would jump back on him probably thinking he had what he wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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