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Chrisschistad Well, I think she's really liked our date 😍 💜

Tagged : Iskrabakken98

Evamohn2 Details, Details I want details ^^ 😃 ❤

Userpenetrator WTF dude not you too 😲

Anselelgortlmao I hope so 😉 She must be treated like a princess!!!

Williamagnusson well done bro ! well done 😉 😏 👍

Stae_vae_chris Daddy and baby girl My true OTP 😝😍

Loglady99 OMG LMAO 😃

Iskrabakken98 WTF seriously Chris ? 😲

Chrisschistad What ? 😲 😐

Iskrabakken98 Not you - -'

Williammagnusson lmao you're so whipped bro ^^ 😃 😝

Iskrabakken98 Are you talking about you and Noora or? 😝

Chrisschistad Damn, my girl have my back 😉 😃 ❤ ❤

Stae_vae_chris OMG My hearts crying !!! They're so fucking perfect together *_*

Chrisschistad Thanks twins 😉

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