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After the Monday incident, the next three days had gone the same way for me. They had been hard and longer than normal. I had spent the majority of my time avoiding Chris as much as possible since I was unable to face him and still less hold my stable front in front of him after what had happened.

I wish I could say that I was strong and that our dispute did not reach me but then it would probably lie to me.

The truth was that despite the annoying and selfish behavior of the brown, I had attached myself to him. I knew it was still on a different level for me but I liked to have him as a friend. He was fun and I liked above all the fact that he sometimes showed me a side that he hid most of the time.

It was silly, even pathetic, but the importance he gave me was something I had grown accustomed to. I even surprised myself waiting for him in front of my locker the other day and then I remembered what he really thought of me.

Obviously, it was enough to make me angry once again, but I was not sure against who I really was. Myself or Chris? Or simply because of the way I felt?

I remember having a lot of affection for Bastian. I might even have thought that I loved him at some point but things seemed definitely different with Chris. I did not know what I was doing with him half the time and I sometimes got these strange feelings.

Just as I could now feel this lack. Yeah, I missed him and I did not know what was the most pathetic to me. The fact that I had to separate myself from the brown to realize that I had plausibly more than friendly feelings towards him or just the fact that we were not even on good terms now.

"What the fuck, Isk? " Suddenly Isak's incredulous cry emerging from my train of thought simply to watch my video game character get torn apart by an army of zombies.

I grimaced with little thought thought before giving a white glare at Isak clearly out of me for several days.

Isak immediately gave me a friendly look before I resumed a neutral expression at the sight of my annoyed frown.

He, the boys and the rest of the girls had started walking on eggs with me after what had happened with Chris.

However, I did not take long to resume my usual temperament by striking a meaning in most of their minds. There were just times when Isak, Noora or even Eva would forget. I assumed it was probably too early to leave it behind.

I let a faint sigh inaudible to the thought before stretching the joystick towards Isak with disinterest.

The blond wrinkled his lips obviously wanting to say something before just accepting the controller by readjusting me lazily along my bed.

He silently resumed the part I was playing while I picked up my phone. I immediately launched my application instagram just to pause at the sight of the last photo of Chris.

I squeezed my jaw as I rolled my eyes at the two girls in his arms before casually throwing my phone away from me.

This obviously attracted Isak's attention as he unfastened his sparkling brown eyes from the screen to watch me make me more comfortable over his shoulder before he turned his eyes over my phone lying on top of my mattress.

I immediately caught one of my pillows to cover my face clearly not in the mood for anything wholly unconscious of the blond grabbing my phone.

He silently unbuckled my screen falling instantly on the last page visited before giving an undecided look at the brown falling under a pillow pile.

WOMANIZER // Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now