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Torsdag 12:34

After the little pre-drink incident, the rest of the weekend had gone so quickly that the girls and I had not even seen the beginning of the week started.

Honestly, it seemed pretty painful for Vilde, Chris and Eva, but for Noora, Sana and I, it was probably our best moments of laughter.

The girls had stayed all weekend at home since our mother was suddenly on a business trip. I did not really know what was thought of this new change in her life but I just did not all prefer to jump to conclusions.

Obviously, it was different from the side of Ansel since I was now forced to bear his grumpy behavior.

However, I was still trying to be understanding. I knew he showed very little emotion about what was happening all around us but I could see how he had changed in the last few months.

The hooked up had multiplied and he had become even more arrogant than before, if that was even possible.

And to be honest, I was really worried about my brother. Even though we had this strong relationship, I thought maybe I was not doing enough. That was enough to make me feel like shit, honestly.

That was why I was mostly silent while the girls remembered the most striking moments of the weekend. I contented myself with nodding my head at times with little conviction to show that I was still present when I was in Nissens' light years.

However, I soon came out of my little world as soon as I felt a pair of foreign hands cover my eyes. The laughter of the girls stopped letting me instantly frown behind the hands of the person feeling a little nervous suddenly.

Nevertheless, my fears soon vanished as soon as a Penetrator's sensual and teasing voice was heard against the hull of my ear. "Guess who ?"

I could not help smiling at the brown as I brought my hands on his own feeling strangely comfortable to initiate physical contact with him when I could barely bear them with others.

It was not going to stop me playing with him again.

"Oh my God, Johnny Deep?"

"Ah, hilarious, Iskra!" Chris snapped as he quickly pulled out his hands, letting me give him an amused look as he pulled the free chair at my side before sitting on it with a sulky face. "Johnny Deep? Seriously?"

I immediately gave him a warning look forgotten of the girls surrounding us before pointing my finger at his fuckboy face. "He is one of the best actors of his generation. And don't even dare to argue."

"Fine! Fine! "Giggled the brown slightly, raising his hands as a sign of false surrender before raising his eyebrows as he suddenly plunged his hand into my tray to prick me a fry nonchalantly. "God, you're authoritarian. I like that. "

I just rolled my eyes at his obvious flirt before turning to the girls to see them display perplexed and excited at the same time. Especially Vilde who just seemed to drool before Chris in a crimson shadow.

I shook my head lightly on the blonde platinum before knocking Schistad's hand on the flight when he tried again to steal my lunch.

"Hey! " He gasped with wide eyes letting me give him my biggest innocent smile before suddenly looking over his shoulder at the sight of William in person.

"Hi! " He hailed, taking a seat from the table behind us before sitting down next to Noora with an arm on the back of the blonde's chair.

William leaned over to give her a chaste kiss still affectionate on the cheek arousing an adorable shade of rose in the pale cheeks of Noora.

WOMANIZER // Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now