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Fredag ​​13:56

The bell announcing the end of the biology course woke me with a start, causing me to look around me in confusion before simply raising an eyebrow as I made a visual contact with Isak.

The latter left a smile on his lips signing my face to signal the red book trace on my cheek making me roll my eyes into boredom.

I was seriously beginning to get tired of this lack of permanent sleep. I did anything, I became much more awkward and I was seriously starting to become stressed.

But above all, I made very bad choices.

"Oh my god, you're Iskra?" Suddenly an unknown voice above me made me immediately raise my head of my belongings just to arched an eyebrow as I came face to face with two girls looking excited for some reason. "You're Iskra Bakken, aren't you ?"

I frowned immediately as I got up from my chair before putting it away as I gave them a suspicious look. " Who is asking ? "

"Oh, I'm Elsa and she's my friend, Kaya." The tall blonde presented herself by signing between her and her friend before giving me a broad smile full of hope. "We wanted to know if we could come to the party ? We heard that this was going to be the biggest ever so far. And as your brother is a Penetrator, we thought that..."

Speaking of bad choices.

I held a long sigh as I shared a look with Isak arousing an amused smile from the latter before turning to the two girls in impotence.

I gave a brief glance at the two girls wanting to leave this classroom so I just shook my head as I passed them.

Their cries of joy and excitement were perfectly audible as I put one foot outside the classroom with Isak laughing at the latter as I cursed under my breath.

"I still can't believe you agreed to throw a party." Isak exclaimed at my side as he pulled me in his side to prevent me from blindly hitting someone on my way showing once again how much I was out of me. "Damn, you had to be seriously elsewhere."

I immediately gave a dark look on the blonde in boredom before shaking my head with a groan.

"I don't even know how I'm supposed to do to organize all that. I barely have time to go home so how am I supposed to get the alcohol, remove all the important objects and arrange the living room before everyone else arrives ?"

"Yeah, sorry I can't help." Again apologized Isak with a sincere grimace before giving me an encouraging look. "But you're Iskra Bakken, I'm sure you'll find a way."

I rolled my eyes at Blond's assumption clearly from a completely different opinion before I straightened up a bit as I noticed a certain group of boys making their way to the end of the corridor.

I easily recognized Ansel, William and unfortunately Christoffer but I tried to concentrate my attention away from him.

And it would seem that I would not have to make much effort for it as some big brown baby's face suddenly drifted away from the big boy's group to head enthusiastically towards Isak and me.

"Yo, bro." Hailed Maksim, sharing a secret handshake with Isak reminding me once again how he had become part of my small group of friends in a week before he turned cheerfully to me to give me a hug.

I immediately returned the embrace by positioning my chin on his shoulder, thanks to the heels for the lack of difference in heights.

However, I soon frowned slightly as I noticed a certain trio casting dark looks on our duo.

WOMANIZER // Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now