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Lordag 12:15

The continuous ringing of my phone was the first thing I could hear through my heavy sleeping mist.

I opened my eyelids lightly, rolling on my stomach through my blankets before I let out a growl at the incessant and extremely boring bell of my phone.

I immediately grabbed my pillow to cover my head by pushing my face into my mattress and let out a new grunting stifled by my sheets.

And just as if that was not enough, the door of my room was abruptly opened with a huge slam before the honeyed voice of my brother idiot rang around my room. '' Rise and shine, sleeping beauty! ''

'' Oh god! Go away! "I groaned dryly since I was definitely not a morning person before letting out a sudden scream of surprise at the sensation of Ansel's body covering mine." Get off of me !!! Ansel ! Get off! ''

I tried to struggle under the heavy weight of my brother fool only he had stuck me against my mattress suffocating me effectively. I could feel my face turn red just as he pressed a little more tickling my sides letting me hit my feet in the void hoping to get him off of me.

I struggled with all my strength for a moment more before my kicks finally had their effects. Ansel fell flat on his ass against the wooden floor of my bed with a moan immediately making me straighten with a bad smile on my lips in mockery.

'' You're so weak. '' I laughed, looking up at him before removing my blankets from my back to get up.

Ansel let out a new growl as he straightened up before looking at me falsely annoyed by my little comment since he always sported his wide arrogant smile. "But you love me."

I rolled my eyes as he dropped heavily on my unmade bed the moment I put my bare feet on the cold floor of my room.

I held a thrill to the sensation before bringing my hand close to my mouth as a yawn escaped me.

I tied my long strands of hair in a messy bun before turning around to look at Ansel with my eyebrows raised since he seemed to undergo a kind of hangover.

He stood back to my mattress with his hand covering his face in an exhausted way. I had not really seen him again after our arrival at the party. In reality, I had neither seen Ansel nor even Isak and Jonas.

This reminded me of these last two as I was eager to retrieve my phone that I had loaded last night.

"How'd you come back yesterday ?" Asked Ans behind his hands as I distractedly unlocked my phone just to see that I had multiple notifications.

I clicked on my message application and immediately responded to Isak's messages and Jonas basically wondering where I was and how I got home last night. '' Taxi. ''

"You could have asked me you know."

I sniffed at his proposal before giving him an incredulous look over my phone. "I'm pretty sure you don't even remember the half of the night."

"Hey it's not-key then maybe." He said, raising his arm to contradict me before letting them fall quickly on my mattress in defeat. "Ew ! I need you to take care of me, Isk. I think I'm going to die."

I rolled my eyes at his playwright before resting my phone on my bedside table crossing my arms on my chest with an eyebrow raised toward my brother idiot. '' What do you want me to do ? ''

"Really ?" He exclaimed almost instantly in surprise at my agreement before turning to look at me with a smile reminding me of our childhood. "Can you cancel all your plans for Today and stay with your so charming big brother before Netflix by eating tons of bad food ? ''

I stared at him with a slight suspicion asking me where this sticky feeling came from before squinting at him. '' Have you got my clothes again in one of your hooks one evening ? ''

'' What? Nei. "He hastened to answer with wide eyes visibly frightened just at my simple question before he gave me a nervous look." I swear. I promised not to do it again. ''

"Good." I nodded, still somewhat suspiciously before I let myself fall heavily to my brother's side with my head on his shoulder. "What do you want to look at ?"

Ansel gave me a big smile in the excitement before shrugging almost instantly his eyebrows reminding me of his younger self again. '' The Lion King ? ''

'' God, I have so many files on you. '' I chuckled instantly, straightening myself into the attention of preparing for our lazy day before giving him a malicious glance over my shoulder as I walked into my Dressing. "Seriously ! I could destroy your reputation as Fuckboy in a snap. "

"Just like I could tell the world that you're just a tomboy in reality." He exclaimed in a singing tone that I shook my head as I picked up Nike tracksuit pants with a large over-sized gray sweatshirt. '' Admit it ! You'd rather wear wide and torn jeans like your friends hipsters than those pairs of heels. ''

I was rolling my eyes at his truthful teasing before putting my head through the crack of my door to give him a warning look. "Okay, first, you really have to stop naming my friends. Then if you tell anyone that, I'll kill you, okay ? "

Ansel immediately lifted his hands into the false surrender before laughing at me, letting my eyes lift on my ceiling before sighing heavily.

It was going to be a long weekend.

WOMANIZER // Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now