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Mandag 10:45

"Nei! Nei! It's part of the anatomy." I insisted in an excited whisper as I pointed to our hanging game going on with Maksim before giving him a dark sideways look as a warning sign. " I won. "

The brown immediately burst out laughing at my expression as a bad player instantly alerting the teacher's attention as well as the rest of the class.

I straightened up in my chair with a falsely innocent expression as I made a visual contact with Isak before concentrating on the teacher as she gave us a warning look.

"Something funny, Mr. Borgen ?"

I was waiting for Maksim's answer only the brown kept stuttering stupidly in search of an excuse making me roll my eyes before flashing my signature smile in the direction of Mrs. Rodden. "Mrs. Rodden, in your opinion, the word pikk is in the category of anatomy, right? "

The whole class laughed at my request while Maksim let his head fall back heavily on his table in a still hilarious oath making me smile in the direction of our redhead teacher.

The latter narrowed her eyes at me before turning to the picture again in annoyance.

I soon winked at Isak as he raised his eyebrows before he quickly got up as the bell rang around us.

I was doing the same by turning to Maksim simply to see the brown standing beside me with difficulty controlling his laughter.

"One problem, Mr. Borgen ?" I asked, waving my eyebrows as I imitated the tone of our teacher before sneaking through the crowd of students across the corridor.

This seemed to be enough for Maksim as he let his laughter out in the open before suddenly throwing his arm on my shoulders as moved me closer to his side. "Have I ever told you how much you enlightening my days ?"

" Everyday. "I nodded before giving him a smirk." Still, I won. "

The brown sniffed in the objection making me slightly frown at him before moving him away giving him a ludic elbow in the abdomen.

I let a chuckle as I saw him release a breath holding his side before re-adjusting the strap of my handbag as I gave him a serious look. "Anyway, you're aware that it's been almost three weeks since we've been to a party, right? We need to change that. "

"Wow, what happened to Miss. Grumpy ?" Maksim scoffed as he threw his arm back on my shoulders as I pushed the doors of the cafeteria.

"I realized that I had great friends who deserved more attention." I replied maliciously before pointing at him with a smirk. "And by friends, I mean you. You need to get laid, buddy. "

"What the fuck ?" Maksim exclaimed, taking a shocked pause just as I was about to sit next to William and Noora letting me wiggle my hand maliciously on the brown before blinking a wink generously grinning.

Challenge of Maksim as he took the chair next to Eva. "I get laid if you do it too. "

That shocked the whole table around us as William choked on his bottle of water visibly caught off guard by our choice of conversation while the girls immediately stopped eating to watch us share in the fun and disbelief.

"Wow, buddy, do you want to make a vow of abstinence ?" I instantly replied, keeping my eyes on the brown before me clearly unaware of the attention on our duo as I leaned over the table.

William's laugh soon followed by the girls reminded me of their presence, letting me straighten to stare at them with an arched eyebrow before noticing Ansel's wide grin in my direction. "You can't know how happy I am that you don't plan to have sexual relations anytime soon. "

WOMANIZER // Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now