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The next few days were quite similar for Ansel and me. Except that my brother had actually integrated the Penetrators.

I still could not make out this stupid name unlike Ansel who just seemed to have discovered a new religion or something. All he could talk about was those Penetrators and William this, William that. Seriously, I could almost ask myself about his sexuality if he did not hang with all who wore a skirt.

There was also this guy Chris and it seemed like he was a real Fuckboy. Ansel was definitely on the run to get that title in person.

However that may be, the brown man spent most of his days with them now, while my contempt for public schools kept on growing as the days passed.

Each day was longer and boring than the others. Ansel and I would make our big entrance under the looks and whispers of the entire high school yard before we parted. Me for my first class in the morning and Ansel for his new band.

After that, I would pass through all of my morning classes by controlling my urges as it would seem that the rumors about us had just begun. Well, it was mainly about Ansel and his daily hooks but it still exasperated me so much.

We already had all of our lives exposed to the whole world, nor did we need unwanted attention.

The only more or less bearable moment for me was when Ansel would come to join me in the cafeteria for lunch. Most of the Penetrators were having lunch together but Ansel had made it clear that he was keeping this time for me.

And I did not feel the least guilty for that. He was my brother after all and he had to give me time for me.

It was perhaps a princess reasoning but I knew perfectly that Ansel was thinking the same thing. We had always been like that. No matter what we plan to do or even where we are, it was enough that one of us would call the other to cancel our plans.

Anyway, we were Thursday now that meant I had more than a day left before this first week in hell would end. And honestly, I could not be more in a hurry.

Right now, I was stepping through the corridor, leaving the repercussions of my high heels behind me. Most of the teenagers in my path separated like the Red Sea from Moses as they noticed my expression beyond bored.

I had to find Ansel and quickly. It was out of the question that I was eating inside at noon. We had a big class project for the hour before and even though my partner blond hipster was actually probably the first person I could actually endure in this high school, I had to listen to a small group all the time Bitch whisper about me.

Isak had sent me nervous glances noticing how tense I looked with the firm grasp of my fingers around my pen as gossip came and went only I told him not to worry.

And it was true. Mostly. I had just forgotten how terribly irritating it was to have girls gossiping about us so closely. They obviously felt numerical strength and I had tried to stay calm as I knew they were not worth it. I had to endure much worse back to Den Froske Sholen.

The buses of this school were definitely nothing compared to those of my old high school as the malice and the ingenuity of the girls.

If they thought that some gossip would reach me then they seriously needed to revisit their classics.

The more I had already heard enough insults about myself to survive an eternity at all the attacks coming my way. Courtesy of the media.

Anyway, I did not stop to stop in the entrance of the cafeteria while rolling my eyes at the sight of the many heads turning to me letting me wonder how long they would do this kind of thing before they would pass to another thing. That would already be finished in my old school.

WOMANIZER // Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now