Season 2: Chapter 18

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Okami's POV

"Hello Okami. Ready to end this."

There he was. With his psychotic smile, a white trench coat, and his same old, emotionless eyes. I then noticed his legs....... they were artificial.

Kira sees this and grins

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Kira sees this and grins. "Oh this is nothing, compared to what I'm about to do to you," he said, as he drew his sword at my direction. I frown as I drop my mask, and raised my sword towards his direction. "Let Luna go. She isn't part of this," I said as I looked at Luna, inside one of the tube, unconscious. "Oh I know, but she seemed like the perfect bait. Not to mention the perfect, trophy," he said. My eyes turn bright red in anger as I clash my sword against his.

"Yes, let your anger flow," he continued saying, as my attack speed kept increasing. Our swords kept clashing as our speed increased. My anger started growing and growing. This is what Kira was counting on. I started becoming more and more predictable. Kira, at some point, blocked a strike of mine, grabbed my arm, and kicked me with his mechanic leg.

I took a few steps back, and pulled out my pistol. I shot a few bullets before he kicked the gun from out of my hand. He then struck me in the chest with his sword two times before he kicked me again, this time I felt an explosive hit, which launched me towards the wall. I groaned and looked at him. Since when did he know taekondo? I noticed that his eyes lid up, while one of his leg seemed to change as a gun leg of some sort. That explains a lot. I got off from the hole I made from the wall, and said, "Guess I can't hold back." I closed my eyes, and let myself go. The serum started flowing faster through my veins. My wolf ears, teeth, claws, and tail began growing, while my tattoos started forming around my body.

"Ready for the second round, Kira."

He smirked, giving me a gesture to 'come at him'

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He smirked, giving me a gesture to 'come at him'. I gladly accepted as I ran towards him. He didn't move a muscle. I came towards him, but then I change my movement at the last moment and struck him from behind. But that's when I noticed that he blocked my strike without a sweat. My eyes widened. That's when he suddenly roundhouse kicked me in the head, making me fall to the floor, chest first. I tried to get up but Kira suddenly stomped on my back, while his sword struck the floor next to me. I tried to get up when I suddenly felt a sharp pain my back. That's when I realized that he impelled me from behind with what looked like a blade that was inside his mechanical left leg. I felt blood dripping, and the blade moving around. It hurts like hell. And I can't heal my wounds without getting the damn blade out. What the hell do I do?

He suddenly raises his sword. "It's time for you to know what true pain is," he said as he began lowering his sword. But then.......

He stopped. He couldn't move his body. "Wh- What's this?!" He said, confused on what's going on. That's when a figure quickly struck Kira, making him get off me. As my wounds healed, I saw it was Amber and Beth. "Hey, can't let you have all the fun," said Amber, giving me a hand up. I took it and chuckled. "Thanks," I said as I took my stance. Kira gives a psychotic chuckle and he got up. "Three against one, huh. Hmph, I'll make your deaths quick and painful," he said coming at us. We did the same and began to strike.

We gave it our best, be he still kept beating us. He grabbed me and threw me towards Luna's tube. I looked at her, then noticed a vial of serum. Yet it seemed different. I quickly grabbed it before Kira grabbed me by my neck, putting more and more pressure. He grins and says, "Any last words?" I smiled. "Cheers," I said as I injected the vial against my chest my chest. I dropped the empty vial before I grabbed Kiras hand and punched him so hard that he landed a few feet away from me, and I wasn't using most of my strength.

He looks at me in total shock. My hair began forming red marking, my eyes formed a black outer part surrounding the red inside, my tattoos changed color, and my muscles becoming more bulkier. My instincts were sharpened and I became more serious than angry.

 My instincts were sharpened and I became more serious than angry

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"What the- Hmph, no matter. I'll still kill you where you stand!" He exclaimed, running towards me, with full speed. He slashes his sword towards me, and with an instant, I grabbed the blade of his sword without a flinch. I then looked at his eyes and glared. "You still don't get it, do you?" I said as I broke the blade itself with my bare hand.

He drops his now broken sword and takes a step back. "I'll always get up, no matter how many times you bring me down," I said. "THEN I'LL JUST HAVE TO HIT HARDER!!" Kira said, with a pissed expression on his face, and about to throw a punch, before Beth stopped him in his place. I look at him and told Beth, "Beth, I suggest you close your eyes," before I to rip his heart out of his body. After that his body dropped to the floor, leaving a pool of blood. I then squised his heart before saying, "Trying coming back now." I then went back to my normal state. I turned towards the tube, I unlocked it, grabbed Luna in a bride style, and got the hell out of there.


Each squad managed to leave the lab before Amber indeniated the C4s, leaving a massive explosion. I smiled. Finally, it was over.

We all got to H.Q. and everyone decided to celebrate. I was gonna leave, when Amber stopped me, with a drink on one hand. "Good job, partner," she said. "Yeah, thanks for saving my ass over there. Guess your not that useless after all," I said. "Wow, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," she said. "Anyway, aren't you going to the party?" She asked. "Nah, being with Luna is all the celebration I need. And besides, I can rest easy knowing Kira won't cause mayhem anymore," I said getting my stuff and standing up. "Well, I can't stop you. See ya around," she said, heading towards the party. "Yeah, see ya around," I said as I walked off the building and went back to Luna's place.

It's over. Now, I can finally relax. For now........

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