Chapter 15

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Okami's POV

I impelled two guards against the wall. I then retracted the blades back and saw their bodies hit the floor. "Well that was easy," I said to myself. I look at my side and see a metal door. I look at the one of dead guards and grabbed one of them. I took his submachine gun and walked to the door, dragging the body. I moved the knob, but it was locked. So I did the best next thing, I shot the knob, destroying the knob. I know, I know, I could've just asked Rioko to find a way to open it, but sometimes I have to do things myself.

I kicked the door open and saw 10 guys with big guns aiming at my direction. They started shooting, so I quickly used the dead guard's body as a shield and started shooting the submachine gun. I managed to take down 3 guys before I took cover in one of the pushed over tables. I threw the body at them and thanks to my strength, managed to hit one of the guys to the floor. I pulled out my pistol and grabbed hold of the submachine gun. I took a deep breathe and right when they stopped shooting, I got out up, aimed at them, and pulled the trigger. Before I reloaded, I shot down 6 of them. I look at the last guy getting up. I threw the submachine gun and pulled the blades out. I grabbed the guy by his neck, put some pressure but just enough for him to talk. "Tell me where I can find your boss," I said in a serious tone. "Like...... I'll talk," the guard said. I frown under my mask and put more pressure. "TELL ME!" I yelled, but sounding like a growl. "Alri......ght....... He's in......... floor....... 56," he said trying to get his words out. "Hmph....... thanks for the info," I said letting him go. He looked at me. "I'm giving you a chance. I suggest you leave now. But if I hear or even see you working with these people, I'll make you feel sorry you did," I said. "R- Right," he said running out. I sigh and look at my hand. "I really am changing," I said to myself, making it into a fist. I grab the shotgun and I look at the floor and see a smoke bomb. I grab it and load my shotgun. I walk to a hallway and see a elevator, and decided to enter it. I press the number 56 and the elevator door closed. Just as it moves my headset went off.

"Okami, I'm getting some heat signals."

"I know," I said looking up. "But I've got an idea."

Guard's POV

We all got in front of the elevator, aiming out guns at the doors. "When those doors open, we all presume to fire!" Yelled one of the guards. I grabbed hold of the grip tightly. "This guy........ He's gotta be tough," I thought to myself. The door suddenly opened and without hesitating, everyone shot their guns, until their clips were out of bullets. That's when we realize that no one was inside. One of them tried to get close but out of nowhere, a smoke bomb fell down from the ceiling and none of us could see anything. We were in trouble.

Okami's POV

I pulled out my shotgun and shot 4 times, taking down 2/3 of them. I threw the shotgun to the side and then activated my blades, pulled out my pistol and started to finish the rest of them. "Geez, you could've put more of a fight," I said retracting the hidden blades, grabbing the shotgun, and reloading it. I look at what those guards were guarding. It was another metal door. I frown under the mask and walked towards it. I sigh. "Here goes nothing," I said kicking the door open.

"Well, well, well. Took you long enough."

I looked at the person standing before me. "N- No way."

To Be Continued.......

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