Season 2: Chapter 2

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Okami's POV

I got off her mother's car. I stood there for a moment and I look at the house. It was a two- story house, with different flowers on beside the pathway. The house didn't look cheap nor did it look expensive. "Hey, you coming?" Asked Luna. "Uh right," I said snapping out of it. I entered the house and the first thing that struck me was the smell of food being cooked. I started to sniff. "Is that meatloaf I smell," I said. "Why, yes it is," said Luna's mother. "I honestly haven't had meatloaf for a long. I'm sure it'll taste good," I said giving a polite smile. "Well, that's very flattering," she said, as she headed to the kitchen. "I suggest you have a seat. It'll take a while," she said popping her head out of the kitchen. "Right," I said as I took a seat at their couch. Luna turned on the tv and it automatically went to the news.

"We have some breaking news. There was an attack at a building just last night. There were 17 casualties and one was injured. The injured man told us that the ones that did this wasn't a squad, but one man. And he believes he's not human. He also stated that this figure gave him a chance to change his ways, and he plans to do so. Police asked him if he saw his face, but he said that the man wore a mask. He said that the figure's was like the devil himself. He said that the man was strong, fast, and unpredictable. Now this man said that he was after someone or something. He wasn't clear. Police are still investigating on this masked killer. Now for the-" said the reporter just as Luna changed it to Fate's Day Night: Unlimited Blade Works.

"I think that's enough for both of us, dont you think," said Luna. "Right," I said as I let out a long relaxing sigh. Luna sat close to me, so I decided to put my arm around her. She started to snuggle against me. It was quite comfortable. But it didn't last long. "Ehm.......," said Luna's mother, clearing her throat and with a kitchen knife in one hand. Not gonna lie, it kinda startled me. I quickly took my hand away from her. "Hmph, the food is ready," She said turning back. I sigh in a relief. I start to head to the dining table.


I look at my plate and see I had meatloaf, baked potato, and some veggies on the side. It looked and smelled delicious. I started to take a bite when Luna's mom started asking me questions. "So Okami, how long have you met my daughter? What did you and Luna do together in that trip? Are you doing any funny business with her? And answer me this, are just getting close to her to harm her? Cause if you are, I'll-" she said very speculative. "Mooooooooom!" Yelled Luna. "What? I'm being protective of you sweetie," she said.

"It's ok. I've known your daughter for 3 to 4 years, your daughter and I were visiting parts of Japan to learn more of the place, no we didn't have any funny business, and no I don't intend to harm your daughter. That's the last thing I'd ever want to do," I said trying my best to answer her questions. "Hm...... I see. How about this. Where are your parents and what happened to them?" She asked. I paused for a second there. "Mooooom! You shouldn't have-" was what Luna said before I interrupted her. "No, it's....... It's ok," I said letting out a sigh, "My parents......... they're gone. They've been murder when I was 8. I........ had an adopted father...... But he never spent time with me and never acknowledge me much....... he was one of the victims of the attack that happened yesterday. He....... didn't make it," I said looking down. "I see...... I'm deeply sorry for asking," she said. "It's ok....... Anyway, do you have a spare room for me?" I asked. "I'm sorry. I don't think so," she said. "Maybe you could sleep in the couch." Luna said. "I don't know. Maybe-" she said. "No it's alright. I don't need anything fancy. I'll just stick with the couch," I said. "Ok," she said. Then when we all finished, we all went to bed.

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