Season 2: Chapter 10

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Somewhere in the Saint Elias Mountains
Okami's POV

We had to be dressed as the guards to get in without getting caught. We started to walk towards the entrance. "Hold it," said another guard. "Show me your ID," the guard continued. We stood there and looked at each other. Thankfully, Rioko managed to make us some IDs. "Right, here you go," I said casually, giving our ID cards. He looked at them, then looked at us. Amber quickly frowned, putting her hand on her 4.5 caliber pistol. I quickly managed to get her arm before she did anything stupid. "Hey can you hurry up, we're not getting any young. Plus, you wouldn't like to explain to the captain on why we were late to our spots, now would you?" I said. "Right sorry. You can pass," he said giving our IDs back. "Thanks. Have a nice day," I said entering the place.

We continued walking, keeping our eyes peeled. "Ya know I could've handled it," she said. "Yeah and let the other guards already know we're here. Uh, no thanks. I suggest you let me do the talking," I said. "Whatever," she said. I sighed and continued to look around. That's when I saw a door with the words Weapon X. I don't know why, but it somewhat reminds me of thing. Like I've been here before. "Hey, check it out," I said, pointing at the door. "What's wrong," she asked. "I feel like, something's in there. Like something's drawing me in," I said walking closer to the door. "Hmph, well whatever it is, it probably has some intel on what they did around here," she said walking towards the door as well.

"Hey! What are you doing here?!" Yelled one of two guards that came towards us. "Crap! I've got to think of something," I thought to myself. "Well, um......," I said trying to figure something out. "You better have a good reason to-," said one of them before Amber said, "An intruder entered the facility! He locked us out!" It looked like The guards bought it. "What?! Then get out of the way!" One of them continued. The pushed us out of the way and put in the passcode.
1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2. Where have I heard this before? "Where are they?" They asked. Amber and I went behind them. "Here," we said before impelling them. "Yeah, let you do the talking," she said, just as the bodies hit the floor. I snickered to myself. "Not bad," I said quietly. "What was that," she said, giving a slight smirk. "Oh nothing," I said, walking to this part of the facility. Maybe she can be useful after all.

We continued walking until we came across a couple of door with numbers. They..........all seemed so familiar. I suddenly stopped and noticed something. I look at the wall and see......... claw marks. My eyes widened. "This can't be," I said. "What's wrong?" Asked Amber. I suddenly started running across the long hallway.

070. I've been here before.

110. That claw mark, the passcode. It's all so familiar.

184. I know this place. The place that haunts me in my dreams.

200, 201, 202, 203,...........


I stopped at this number. I stood there and looked at the door. I took a deep breath, and entered the it. I took three more steps, and looked at a tube with nothing inside. Not a single person or and animal. It's just as I feared. "What the hell is this place?" Asked Amber.

"It's where I was made into this."

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