Season 2: Chapter 3

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Luna's POV

I was the first to wake up. It was 6:48 in the morning so I decided to check on Okami. I quickly brushed my teeth and went downstairs. I got to the couch and walked over to Okami. He looked so....... peaceful when he was asleep. I smiled. I quickly got to the kitchen, grabbed a bowl of cereal and started to eat. Just as I started to finish, I hear the door bell. I got up and started to head to the door. I opened it and saw my dad. "Morning Dad," I said giving him a hug. "Morning sweetie. How'd you sleep?" He said hugging back. "Good. What are you doing here?" I asked, pulling away. "Just wanted to have breakfast with my daughter," he said giving a smile. I smiled and let him enter. Just as he entered the house, we both heard a yawn coming from the couch.

He walks to the living room and sees Okami sitting up and stretching his arms. "Luna...... who is this?" He asked. "Um, well..... His name is Okami  and-" was what I said before Okami finished my sentence. "And you're daughter was kind enough to let me stay for a while," Okami said. "I see. Well then, it's a pleasure to meet you," my dad said. "The pleasure is mine," said Okami, giving a kind smile.

Okami's POV

We started to eat some breakfast when Luna's dad asked me something. "So Okami, are you dating my daughter?" I stop eating and started to blush. I looked at Luna and she was blushing as well. "Um...... yes," I said, which made Luna even more red. "Hmph. Alright," he said. Then he just smiled. "Anyway, shouldn't you two be going to school?" He said. That's when I realized. "Crap! I totally forgot!" Luna yelled. We quickly ran off, got dressed, got our stuff, and we ran out the door. The dad chuckles. "They grow up so fast."

We managed to get to the bus before it  left. Not gonna lie, it was dead silent in the bus. When we got to school, we decided to go to the cafeteria. We started walking there when I heard footsteps behind me. I turn to see Brock with a more angerer expression on his face than usual. I decided to ignore it and thought that it was something about what happened in Tokyo. We entered into the cafeteria and saw Kai and....... a girl? "Hey Kai. Who's the girl?" Asked Okami. "Oh she's-" was what she said before being interrupted by the girl. "Names Amber. Please to meet you," she said give a fake smile. "Uh....... please to meet you?" I said. "You new around here?" asked Luna. "Um, yes well, I'm from Canada," she stated. "Canada huh. That's interesting," said Luna buying it. "You don't look Canadian," I said. "Well I am," she said giving a stare. I did the same. Kai was gonna say something but Luna took his words right out of his mouth. "Ok, how about we just sit down and learn more about each other," said Luna. We stop. "Right," I said as I sat down. We started to talking until the bell rang. I don't trust her or her story. Something's off about her. But I don't know what.

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