Chapter 10

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Okami's POV

The principal let us walk around Tokyo for a while. So that was cool. "So...... where do you wanna go?" Asked Luna. "Uh..... I don't know. Where do you wanna go?" I asked. "Hm....... how about we go to a cafe. Um..... how about Anteiku cafe?" She said. I smile. "Sounds interesting. Let's go," I said. We started walking around Tokyo. We were lost.

So we dicided to ask someone. That's when we came across a man. The man had white hair, a white eyepatch on his left eye and wearing some formal clothing.

 The man had white hair, a white eyepatch on his left eye and wearing some formal clothing

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"Um, excuse me. Can you direct us to Anteiku?" Asked Luna. "Oh. Just keep heading over 20th Ward and when you see the stop sign make a left turn and you should find it," said the man. "Thank you Mr. um.....," I said not hearing his name. "Kaneki. Ken Kaneki. And your welcome," He said heading off. We did as he said so and got to the cafe.

We entered and got our table. A girl with blue hair came towards us.

 A girl with blue hair came towards us

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"Hello there. My name is Touka. What may I do for you?" Said the girl. "Um...... some coffee would be nice," I said. She started to right down my order. "And for the miss?" She said. "Oh, the same please. And could you and some sandwiches with that," said Luna. "Sure thing," said Touka, giving a smile. Just as she finished writing the order she got started with everything.

Me and Luna were just sitting there. Not gonna lie, it was pretty awkward. I mean, she now knows my secret. That I kill people. And yet........ She seems perfectly fine. Like as if she doesn't even care I do. "Can I ask you something Okami," she said. "What is it?" I asked. "Why didn't you tell me this before. That you were an assassin. Why didn't you?" She asked. I was silent for second there. "I didn't tell you........ because I thought you wouldn't have think of me the same way," I said. "Of course I would. You're still the smart, brave, and courageous Okami I know. Even if your an assassin," she said. After she said that, I couldn't help it but smile.

Touka finally came with our orders. "Here you go. Now if you need anything, just ask," said Touka. "Right. Thank you," I said as I took a sip from my coffee. The texture and taste of it was actually really good. And I could tell Luna was enjoying herself. "Hey Okami, would you like some?" She asked. "Um..... no it's ok," I said. But you didn't eat breakfast. Come on, eat it," she said, giving me those puppy dog eyes of hers. I can never resist them. "Alright, alright. I'll try them," I said as I took a bite of one of them and....... it was delicious.

After that I paid for our food and walked around Tokyo for some sight seeing. And you could say me and Luna got close. It was the best time I had in ages.

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