Season 2:Chapter 4

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Okami's POV

I was in social studies with Kai and this Amber character. Mr. Cannon started talking about the Jamestown settlement. Like as if we didn't know what that was. I tried to focus on the lesson, but Amber just kept staring at me. Giving me a death stare. I looked at her and gave her a look. She Then backed off. "Geez, what's wrong with her?" I whispered to Kai. "Who Amber? Why do you have a problem with her?" He said. "SHE HAS A PROBLEM WITH ME!" I tried my best to whisper but didn't work. "Ehm, are you done interrupted my class Mr. Jones," Mr. Cannon said. "Uh, no sir," I said. "Would you like to tell us how Jamestown survived, if you don't mind answering," said Mr. Cannon. "Well the Jamestown settlement was saved by the man named John Rolfe. He helped the settlement grow crops and tobacco for them to sell as profit, in 1612. And so within years their settlement became a boomtown," I said. "Correctamundo Mr. Jones. Now-," was what he said before the bell rang. "Really? They really have to fix that bell, well see you next class," continued Mr. Cannon.


When we got to lunch, I saw Luna waiting for us. She usually waits for us, so it isn't weird for us. I got my lunch and sat next to her. Kai smiled. "I'm glad to see you too together," said Kai. Both me and Luna blushed. Amber then sat at the other side of Luna, still giving me a glare. I was getting really annoyed at this point. "Could you stop giving me that look," I said. "What look? You mean this," she said giving me a glare again this time sticking her tongue out. "Ok, now that's just childish," I exclaimed. "Oh I'll show you childish," she said. "Ok that's enough you two. I mean you just met and you already hate each other. Can't you two just be nice to each other," asked Luna. I looked away and started to eat my burrito. Amber did the same and looked the other way, crossing her arms. Luna sighed. "Can't there ever be a day where none of us get in the middle of a fight?" Luna said to herself. Guess not, because trouble was coming.

"Hey Okami!" Yelled Brock heading towards our table. I frown. Not Brock again. "Hey, look at me when I talk to you," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Can't you just leave us alone," complained Luna. "This doosh and I have some unfinished business," he said in his oh so cocky attitude. "You're a prick sometimes, you know that," said Luna. "What was that?" He said. "That you're a gay faggot who never learns," said Luna. I cracked a smiled and tried to hold the laughter. Brock was getting put in his place by a girl. Brock was getting pissed. "You little....... BITCH!" Yelled Brock as he was ready to punch her. I knew what was coming, so my instincts kicked in. Just as he was about to punch her, I grabbed hold of his arm. "I wouldn't do that if I we you," I said giving a glare. "Pfft, I've had enough you-" was all he said before Luna slapped him in the face. "D- Did you just slap me?" He said. "Yeah. Weird, right?" She said.

"Grr...... I'm tired of this bullcrap. Meet me at the basketball court. That's where we'll end this," said Brock. I let go of his arm and crossed my arm. "What kind of fight did you have in mind," I said. He grinned. "How about a Street Fight. Where everything goes," he said. "Hmph....... deal. But one one condition," I said. He started to get curious. "And what's that?" He asked. "If I win, you'll never hurt anyone else ever again," I said. He paused there. "Hmph....... alright. And if I win, I'll get to pick on who ever I like and you'll have to respect me from now on," he said. I frowned. "Deal," I said. "Good. Meet you there, loser," he said walking towards his table. I looked around and everyone started looking away. Guess the heard what we said. I sit back to my seat. "You really are an idiot. You can't just fight the leader of the football players," said Amber. "I didn't need your opinion Amber, plus I can deal with him. He may act tough, but he's not," I said. Then the bell rang. "Well we've gotta go to class. See ya," I said, while me and Luna got ready to go. "Yeah, see ya," said Kai. And with that we headed off to our next class.

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