Season 2: Chapter 1

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The next day, in a U.S. Airport

Okami's POV

We all were all here. We all finally made it. I was sitting in one of the chairs like the rest of the classmates. It was 7:30 AM. Most of us we sleepy. Even Luna. Heck, she's resting her head on my shoulder. But I honestly did't mind. It....... actually conforts me. "What happens now?" Asked Luna, still resting her shoulder. "Honestly....... I'm not sure," I said. "Are you still gonna work for them? In this assassin life of yours," she asked. "I honestly don't think I have a choice," I said. "Are still gonna be with me?" She asked in an innocent voice. I smiled. "Always," I said grabbing her hand, and giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Now class, I hope you enjoyed this trip and hope you've learned something. Now, your parents should pick you up right now, so let's head out of the airport," the teacher said. And just like that, we followed. Just as we left the airport, I saw many parents waiting for their kids. And they....... reminded me of what I once lost. I looked down and sighed. "Okami, you ok?" She said giving me her concerned look. "Yeah, it's just seeing all these parents and their kids just remind me of my parents. Plus, I don't have a place to go anymore. I mean, my adopted father was the one who paid the house. Now that he's gone.....," I said. "Oh...... I see. Well-," was what Luna said before she heard a car horn. She looks and sees her mother's car. "Luna come on. I don't wanna be stuck in traffic," said Luna's mother, still in her car. She looks at me. I smile. "Go ahead, I'll figure something out," I said. That's when she thought of something. "Hold on. Stay here, don't move," she said run to her mother. What was that about.

Luna's POV

I got to my mom and tapped on her window so she can open it. She did so and asked me what's wrong. "I was wondering, could my friend over there stay with us for a while," I said pointing at Okami. "A boy? Uh, I don't think so," her mother said. "Please mom. He has no place to go. He can't pay for his house. Please.......," I said begging her. "Hm....... I don't know," she said, thinking about. "Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssse," I said giving her my puppy eyes. "Oh alright, but I'll be keeping an eye on him, " she said. "Ok," I said, running back to Okami.

"What was that all about?" Okami asked. "I asked my mom if you could stay with us. She said yes," I exclaimed. "You don't have to do that," Okami said. "Of course I had to. I care for you," I said. He smiled. "That's very sweet of you," he said. I blushed a bit and we both got to the car, and we started heading to my house.

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