Season 2: Chapter 13

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Okami's POV

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?" Said Sasha, before slapping me in the face, leaving it a bit red. I look at her. "I did what I had to do. Plus, you got what you wanted, the intel," I said. She sighed. "I can't deal with another child," she said looking at Beth, drinking a juice box, while hearing to music. "Look I'll figure out something," I said. She sighed again. "No, no. I'll try and find a home for her and a family that can adopt her," she said. "There's something you should know. That girl, was a test subject, used in the same experiments as me. So let me deal with her, ok?" I said. "Alright, we'll tell you if anything happens," she said. "Right," I said getting ready to head out.

I entered Luna's house and walked towards the living room, where I saw Luna asleep. I smiled and crouched in front of her. "She's been waiting for you," said Luna's mom, coming out of the kitchen. "Yeah, I know," I said getting back up. "She really cares for you," she said. I smiled.

"I know she does, but that's what I liked about her. She cares for others, even if she's shy about it," I said. She said walking towards me. "I want you to promise me something," she said our of the blue. "Hm?" I said. "She's never had a boyfriend before. You're her first. So I don't you hurt her or take her away from me," she continued. "I won't. You've got my word," I said. "And one more thing.........please take care of her. I want you to protect her," she finally said. I looked at Luna. "I'll protect her with my life," I said just as I got Luna, bridal style and started walking to her room.

I entered her room and gently lowered her body onto the bed. I looked at her. She looked so beautiful. I smiled. I gave her a peck on the lips and whispered in her ear, "I love you. Always have, always will." Just as I took a step, I felt something grab my hand. I look at the bed and see it was Luna. "Please, don't go," she said in a very tired voice. I smiled again. "Alright," I said going to the other side of the bed. Luna pushes herself towards me and says, "I love you too." She then rested her head on my chest and quickly fell asleep. I patted her head and I began to go to sleep.

Meanwhile in the Laboratory in Canada

A scientist by the name of Professor Ivo entered to a lab. The other scientist stop their work and looked at him. "Gentlemen. Today, is an extraordinary day. Because today, we welcome our former brother........" He said, just as a figure with a white trench coat walks towards the scientists. The sound of metal and clanging can be heard. Ivo smirked. "Kira," he said, just as Kira himself walked to the light. Kira, grinned. "It's good to be bloody back," said Kira giving psychotic look that scared some of the scientists.

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