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July 13th, 2020 

Washington, DC

Morgan's P.O.V

I squinted at the sunlight when I heard a boy laughing downstairs with some friends. I open my eyes fully and swing my legs over the side of the bed and see I have a pair of fluffy socks on. I smile and walk out of our bedroom and walk downstairs, to see the WDW boys all happy and cheery. 

"Morning Princess Pea."~Jack says coming up to me. I smile and kiss him before I start thinking. 

Is this real? What happened with Daniel? I thought I was with Daniel?

I shake my head at the thought before I see Corbyn smiling at me.

"What's got you so happy Corbean?"~Morgan

"You and Jack are like perfect with each other."~Corbyn. Everyone starts agreeing apart from Daniel.

"Nope. I think your both quite horrible to be fair."~Daniel. Everyone stares at him in disbelief before I sigh and walk back upstairs and get changed. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth before I hear someone knock. 

"Come in."~Morgan. Daniel walks in smirking as I stand confused, before finishing my teeth. Daniel pushes me against the wall and smirks again before kissing my neck. 

"Daniel please."~Morgan

"I know you still love me."~Daniel

"That was almost 3 years ago Daniel, Why can't you let me be happy?!"~I scream before storming out. 

"I'm going out."~Morgan. I walk out of the house, grabbing my coat along the way. I look at my phone and decide to ring Logan.


(Logan: L Morgan: M)

L: Hey Baby Sis.

M: Hey Logan. Can I tell you something?

L: Sure.

M: I feel like I'm in a dream. I thought I was dating Daniel?

L: You were in 2017, he broke your heart so Jack comforted you then you both kissed, which made your relationship.

M: But why does it feel so fake?

L: I haven't the slightest clue.

M: I have to go, This street is full of creeps.

L: Alright, Be safe Morgan.

M: Alright Logie. Bye!


The line goes dead before I slide my phone into my pocket.

"Hey There."~I hear a familiar voice say into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Josh."~I say through clenched teeth.

"So you still remember me?"~He says grabbing my wrist and pulling me into him.

"Josh get off of me."~Morgan

"Nope. I will terrorise you until you die Miss Morgan Paul. Oh wait, it's Avery now, isn't it? I knew you used Daniel for fame you attention seeking bitch."~He says slapping me. I try not to cry, as I realise the ring on my finger. Holy shit! Am I married to Jack? I completely forget about that after Josh starts kissing me hard. I didn't kiss back until he kicked me really hard, making me scream in pain.

"MORGAN WAKE UP!"~I hear Daniel Yell. I sit up as I realise I have tears coming down my face, and Daniel is looking at me worriedly.

"What happened?"~Morgan

"You kept screaming in your dream. What's wrong?"~Daniel. I don't even say anything, I just engulf him into a hug before crying, resulting in him stroking my hair and comforting me.

"You broke my heart in the dream, and somehow I ended up married to Jack."~Morgan

"That will never happen, Princess, not on my watch."~He says laying me down on his chest. He kisses my forehead and smiles at me before closing his eyes.

"I love you, Daniel, So much."~Morgan

"I love you too Princess. Now get some sleep before tomorrow's show alright?"~Daniel. I nod and close my eyes, returning to dreamland.


2017 me: Kinda switching it up a bit. I am so busy rn so I couldn't start writing until now. Yeah, I love you guys! I guess I have to show my face now? Seeing as I hit 75k :) Here you are:

 Yeah, I love you guys! I guess I have to show my face now? Seeing as I hit 75k :) Here you are:

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That was taken the day after my 12th birthday, last year. It's only 1 month and 10 days till mine. ALSO, I FINISH SCHOOL NEXT FRIDAY! 6 WEEKS OF FREEDOM! ALSO, I FINISH AT 11:45, WTF IS THE POINT IN GOING IN? I am going in Town Though so like :) Love Ya'll! Also, Later on, tonight I think I might be Skyping HelloCanYouNot so I can't wait. She is my wifi wifey along with RubyDrinksTea. I can't wait! TTYL Y'ALL! LEMME KNOW WHAT YA THINK!.

2019 me: I'm fifteen in 13 days mate, i was fucking ugly. I look better now that I have short hair, promise ;P

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