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June 23rd, 2017

Morgan's P.O.V

1 pm.

I sat down on one of the benches as Lottie runs over to the swings and sits in it, whilst Jack pushes her. I grab my phone and look at the time before a message pops up from Jack.


Ramen Noodles.

This Kid is the cutest living thing ever.


"YOU COULD HAVE JUST SAID IT JACK!"~I shout as he looks at me and smiles widely. Lottie gets off the swing and runs over to me.

"Morgie I want him to push me."~She says pointing at Daniel.

"Ask him then."~Morgan. She walks over to him and asks him quietly before he gets up and walks to the swings with her. Zach scooches next to me and looks at me.

"What?"~I say smiling.

"You and Daniel would make amazing parents, like seriously. You with kids is my OTP. Not even you and Daniel."~Zach

"I'd like to see you looking after kids."~I say laughing. I look at Daniel and Lottie in the distance, might I add this is the cutest and happiest I have seen Daniel with kids.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer."~Jonah snickers beside me. I lightly punch his arm as a joke but he pretends to be hurt, falling on the floor and laughing immediately. I sigh and look back up to see Lottie in Daniel's arms. Oh my god, I want to freaking die at the cuteness right now. 

"What's up Princess Morgan?"~Corbyn.

"I WILL NOT hesitate to hurt you, Corbyn Besson."~I say glaring at him. He goes straight-faced before I start laughing at it.

"ICE CREAM!"~I hear Lottie say.

"What's wrong?"~Morgan

"Let's go get ice cream!"~Lottie. I smile and grab her hand before walking off with her in my grasp, walking to the small Ice Cream shop beside the Mall. The boys were following after us shouting things like 'Goals!' And 'BEST MOM EVER'. I can't wait for the future, I've already sort of planned it out. I really want to get married and have a set of twins. If it's possible enough. I really love Twins, hence why I always hung out with Ivan and Emilio. 

"Can I have strawberry and cream?"~Lottie says tugging my arm.

"Yes of course. What about you kids?"~I say looking at the boys, They all hear me and turn around, crossing their hands over their hearts like they're having a heart attack. I laugh as they all answer and grab my money out and walk to the counter.

"I'm paying for everyone here so ask them please."~I say as the woman at the counter smiles and asks all the boys what they're having.

"I'll also have a Strawberry and Cream, and cookies and cream please."~Morgan

"All of them are nearly ready okay?"~I read her name tag as it said, Nina.

"Thank you."~I say sliding my money to her as she puts it in the register and hands me the change.

"Princess you didn't have to pay for us!"~Daniel

"My treat I guess."~Morgan. He grabs my by the waist and pulls me in for a hug. I snuggle my head into his chest before I feel Lottie tugging on my arm again.

"They're done!"~Lottie. I walk to the counter and grab everyone's, handing it to them before we walk back out and the sun is shining brighter. I love days like this in L.A, they're gorgeous.

"Like you."~Daniel says. I look at him confused.

"You said it out loud. You speak your thought sometimes, it's cute."~Daniel

"Oh right. I get you now."~Morgan. He intertwined our hands and walked down the street. Lottie was now on Jack's back playing with his hair again.


(Logan: L. Morgan: M)



L: Alrighttttt.

M: Baiii.

L: Bye loser.


I was about to say something back but the line went dead. I sigh and walk back to everyone else.

"GUYS WE HAVE TO GO HOME."~Morgan. They all whine as Lottie sprints to me and jumps on my back. I laugh as we walk down the street to our apartment.


Lottie and Allie have gone home now, My Mom is at Logan's and wants to talk to me. The WDW boys are also tagging along with me.

"Morgie!"~My mom says as she comes up to hug me. I hug her tightly before she lets go and looks at the guys behind me.

"Logan introduce them or I swear I'll die."~Morgan. Logan introduces everyone to my Mom and she asks me which one I'm dating.

"Daniel come here."~Morgan. He walks over and smiles before he kisses my cheek.

"You got a good one there Morgan."~Mom.  I sigh and facepalm before sitting down on the sofa and playing on my phone. 


"What?!"~I whine as he walks over to me with Pizza. I sit and eat it before walking into my room and getting changed into my pyjamas. I walk back out and sit on the sofa again, turning on Netflix and putting on How I Met Your Mother. Daniel had joined me moments later as I laid on his lap, as he played with my hair making me sleepy. 

"Go on Princess, you can fall asleep."~Daniel says calmly before putting a blanket around me. I fell asleep in what felt like an instant, this boy keeps me guessing...

2017 me: ITS A TINY BIT SHORTER BUT IM SO UNINSPIRED. I have a Secretly Gay Husband, is that good? His name is Max lmao. He is mah-gay best friend. XD I love gays, I have a gay brother and he means the absolute world to me. No double update today, there might be one tomorrow. DEPENDS IF ANYONE IS IN IN THE MORNING. Okay! Thank you, guys! STAY ALIVE! <33~

2019 me: I don't speak to Max anymore, we hate each other, wow.

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