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May 27th, 2017.

Morgan's P.O.V

8 pm.

"What have I done?"~Daniel. Little did I know, this was the worst night to happen so far...

"What do you mean, What have I done?"~Morgan.

"I don't know what have I done?"~Daniel says as Megan slips out of the room and shutting the door.

"I can't believe you right now. Why are you the innocent one in this?"~I say gobsmacked, this is it, I'm confronting him.

"I am the innocent one."~Daniel. (BTW THIS IS MOSTLY DIALOGUE)

"How?!~I say shouting a bit.

"I did nothing harmless today, neither did you."~Daniel.

"Nothing Harmless? Weren't you the one who hung out with your ex today?"~I say sternly.

"Uh yeah why?"~Daniel.

"ARE YOU EVEN MORE CLUELESS THAN THE LAST TIME DANIEL? I'M SICK OF THIS SHIT."~I say throwing my phone down on the bed and sitting beside it, running my hand through my hair. He looks at me like he has just been slapped.

"What do you mean: 'I'm sick of this shit?'"~Daniel. The first time I have heard him swear ever.

"I'm sick of being in arguments Daniel. You thought I was cheating when the shirt was clearly Logan's, then you have a go at me for not choosing my College and hanging out with the Martinez Twins. Yet where are you in this? Sat with your four best friends at home waiting for the sun to go down. I just can't handle it, Daniel, we fight non-stop. Non-stop I tell you. What have we become?"~I say as tears roll down my cheeks. I look up and see Daniel has been crying too.

"So what are we then?"~Daniel says hesitantly.

"I guess we're just friends. Nothing more, nothing less."~I say as my heartaches. I just broke up with him, and It not only killed me but him too.

"Wait What?"~Daniel said swallowing the lump in his throat.

"I guess we are breaking up..."~Morgan. By now I can hear his sobs coming closer.

"Just one last kiss?"~Daniel asks me. I nod as he leans down as he attaches his soft, plump lips to mine for one last time... He let go and looked at me sorrowfully, what have I done? I grabbed his wrist as he was about to leave and turned around. He cocked his head to the side before I pulled him closer.

"Are you sure we're doing the right thing?"~Daniel asked me.

"Yes. Absolutely. Just know I will always love you, Danny. I might not say it a lot, but it's for the best."~I say looking into his eyes.

"Friends?"~Daniel said holding out his pinky.

"Best friends."~I say wrapping my pinky with his. I couldn't help it. I smashed my lips into his as soon as he was about to pull away, he didn't hesitate to kiss back. He pushed me against the wall, not too hard, but hard enough to hurt my spine. I ignored the pain and carried on kissing him, tugging at his hair.

"Guys this is my room."~Logan said awkwardly.

"Sorry, Logan."~I say grabbing Daniel's wrist and pulling him out, but accidentally bumping into Ashley.

"Oh Dan, I was just coming to find you, are you okay?"~She said looking at him.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Now I have to talk to Morgan so go back in there."~He says pulling me back into my room and shutting the door. I stepped away from the door as someone knocked on.

"Yeah?"~I shout.


"Uh, why?"~Morgan

"We need to talk. NOW COME HERE."~Jake shouts. I roll my eyes and groan.

"Hold on."~I say locking the door.

"Okay."~Jake says impatiently. I groan and look at Daniel sat on my bed.

"Can we carry on?"~Daniel asks innocently.

"We can't."~I say before he scowls. "Let's not ruin our friendship by making it a relationship. I'm sorry Danny."~I say grabbing his hand and holding it. He looks up at me and nods before I stand up and pull my jean jacket back on.

"Goodbye for now."~I say before unlocking the door and walking out to see Jake pretty annoyed.

"What were you two doing?"~Jake

"Stay out of this Jake."~I say sternly before walking into the living room to see Ashley still here, bugging Megan.

"I don't know, Why do you want to know about Morgan anyways?"~Megan

"Because you stupid bitch, she is a bad influence for Daniel. He needs someone like me."~She says.

"Don't call her a stupid bitch, because clearly thats you. And why does Daniel need someone like you? I mean, you're a slutty hoe who can't keep her hands of anything. Get the fuck out of my house before I throw you out myself."~I say clearing my throat before beginning. She just sits there enjoying what I'm doing. I walk over to her and grab her by the collar, picking her up and walking out the door with her and throwing her against the wall.

"Come back here and watch Lil Miss Slut."~I said before slamming the door. I go back inside to see everyone staring at me.

"Zach I'm sorry I ruined your birthday, I will make it up to you. Promise. But I completely forgot to give you your present this morning, so here."~I say grabbing a JD back and passing it to him. He opens the bag and his eyes widen.

"MORGAN I FREAKING LOVE YOU."~He says attacking me into a bear hug. I giggle as he let's go, but Megan grabs my wrist and drags me to my room.

"I think Logan is going to ask me out."~Megan

"YES PLEASE OMG FINALLY!"~I shout a bit too loud.

"If he does do you remember our deal?"~Megan. I nod and smile. Our deal is if Logan asks her out, I have to make a YouTube channel and make covers because to her I can sing really well. She smiles and starts clapping like a freak, making me laugh at her. This has to be hands down, one of the best parts of today, apart from me throwing Ashley out. She lightly punched my arm and scowled at me playfully. 

"Megan, If I ever get into another fight with a guy's ex, please Help me."~Morgan. She nods and giggled, giving me a sweet hug...


(2017 me: HEY! 2nd chapter like I promised. OMG, I LOVED THIS CHAPTER. DON'T KILL ME THOUGH FOR BREAKING THEM UP! I CRIED NO JOKE. XD Year 11 Prom was today and my brother didn't go, yet he said he wished he went the muppet. Anyway, STAY ALIVE MY KILLJOYS! <3)

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