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July 10th, 2017

Morgan's P.O.V

"I do love you, Morgan, More than the average human should."~Jack...

"Wait what?"~Morgan

"You heard me. I might seem fine around you, But when it's you and Daniel, I always want to kiss you right then and there."~Jack says fixing his curls. I stare at him, trying to get out an answer before I finally end up shutting my mouth and not saying anything.

"Jack. I love you, But only as a friend. Yeah, I did sort of have a crush on you when we first met, but all those feelings are gone now."~Morgan

"I guess I still love you both ways."~Jack says sighing. I feel heartbroken, this changes a lot.

"Hold on a minute."~Morgan. I walk out the kitchen and to Daniel's room where he was stood on his phone leaning against the wall.

"Daniel I have to ask you something that might sound crazy."~Morgan


"Can I kiss Jack? Like not like I love him or anything, I just want to let his feelings go away."~Morgan

"Uh... I don't know Morgan."~Daniel

"Please! I won't kiss him ever again, and I swear after this we will have a makeout session."~Morgan

"Deal."~Daniel says smirking. I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek before going back downstairs to see Jack sitting on the counter, his head in his hands.

"I knew I couldn't win you over. God, why do I think I can do something, then not be able to do it?"~Jack. 

"Jack. To be truthful you won me over when we first met. But things changed. Things always change."~Morgan

"But why did our friendship not change?"~Jack

"Because our friendship is meant to stay as a friendship. Nothing more."~Morgan

"Just imagine what could have happened if you ended up with me."~Jack says jumping off the counter and standing in front of me.

"I can't imagine it. I'm sorry Jack, it wasn't meant to be for us."~Morgan

"Can I just have one thing?"~Jack

"Sure I gue-"~I was cut off with his soft lips crashing into mine. Holy, I didn't think he would do this to Daniel. They're like brothers. After a few seconds, he pulls away and smiles at me.

"Never Again Poodle Boy. One time thing."~Morgan

"OMG JACK AND MORGAN KISSED!"~I hear Ashley yelling. Wait why is she here?

"WHAT?"~Zach. Everyone comes racing downstairs, even Daniel as they all crowd in. All I can hear is them saying 'What?' And 'Why?'

"ALRIGHT SHUT THE FUCK UP!"~I yell as they all stare at me confused.

"I'll explain."~Jack

The One ||Daniel Seavey, Book 1||Where stories live. Discover now