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(2017 me: A continuation of the same day as the last part)

Morgan's P.O.V

  A ding goes off behind me as I turn and see them standing there. Daniel's eye is bruised and his lip is bleeding. What the hell happened?  

I stand up and drop my phone but I didn't care. It fell and smashed but I walked over it and to Daniel. I turned his face and smoothed my hand over his bruised eye.

"Who did this? What even happened?"~I say horrified. Daniel looks at me with a sad expression but I didn't want to see it.

"Tell me now."~Morgan.

"Well we were talking to the fans, but security asked us to get out of the Apple store so we tried, but couldn't. The Cashier, Josh, or whatever came over and started shouting at everyone. So I said to him, not to be harsh but he got super frustrated and punch me. Kind of became a brawl to be fair."~Daniel explains. Ugh, that cashier. I will get him fired, with every last piece of me, I will do it.

"Keep an eye on my stuff, I am going to give that Josh kid a piece of my mind."~I say but they hold me back. I fight against it as they let go and stare at me pleadingly.

"Don't do it."~Zach

"I am and I will do it. He hurt Daniel, potentially could have hurt all of you. Trust me the last thing you want to do to me right now is to ask me not to go."~I say walking away from them and back to the Apple store. Josh was stood at the desk on his phone.

"Oh hey, it's you again."~Josh. I rolled my eyes and walked closer to him.

"You think it's funny to punch someone?"~Morgan. He gulped and looked down before I grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall.

"Don't do this here, please."~Josh said smirking. I was so close to kneeing him in the balls but I didn't, not yet.

"So tell me, why did you hit Daniel?"~Morgan

"He doesn't deserve someone pretty like you."~Josh. I smirked and kneed him, making him scream out in pain. 

"Don't come near me or my friend again, or trust me, I will make it my job to get you fired from this place."~I say letting him go as he falls to the ground and starts crying. I walk back out surprisingly without getting called back by Security. Daniel and the rest were stood there talking as I walked to them cleaning off my hands.

"WAIT!"~???. I turned around to see a Security Guard running after me. Shit. I look at all the guys and they look back at me, knowing what to do.

"Miss, Come with us, please."~They say. 

"I will just-"~I say then run off in the other direction, the boys following behind me.  I run to the exit of the mall but was stopped by the security guards there.

"Shit."~I mumble lightly. They grab my arms and take me back to the Apple store, where Josh was still laying on the floor crying. I smirked as they sat me down, the WDW boys being stood in front of me.

"If this makes you see me differently, please just do what you have to do now."~I say to Daniel. He looks at me confused then realises what I was saying.

"Why would I break up with you for some scum named Josh who can't keep his hands of anyone?"~He says to the now 'healed' Josh.

"Wait what happened?"~Security Guard Bob.

"He punched Daniel, you're just too blind to see it. Jesus Christ."~I mumble angrily.

"Morgan don't make it any worse on yourself. You were the cause of this."~Josh.

"Wait how do you know my name?"~Morgan. He holds up my phone with my name on the case. I go to reach my phone but he pulls away, luckily Jonah was stood behind him and grabbed my phone from him, giving it back to me. I smirk as the Security Guard checks the footage. Wait why am I being blamed for this?

"Hold on. Why am I the one being blamed for this? He punched Daniel, He decided to punch someone."~Morgan

"You decided to knee my privates."~Josh. I laugh as the Security Guard uncuffs me and says I'm free to go. The WDW boys and I walk out together but Josh grabs my shirt.

"You will pay for this."~Josh

"Threatening that is? Do I give a shit? No, Watch you're back precious little Joshua."~I say removing his hand and walking over to the guys.

"Now that was THE best birthday present ever."~Zach shouts.I laugh as I spot Megan and Logan making out on one of the benches. I walk over and cough as they pull away and look over at me, then to Daniel.

"What happened?"~Logan

"Long story Shirt, Daniel got in a fight, I fought the guy who fought Daniel and ended up getting pulled by Security."~Morgan.

"That's my little sister!"~Logan. I laugh and grab Megan's arm as the rest of them walk in front.

"SPILL."~I whisper shout. 

"Well he bought me coffee, he accidentally spilt it on me so he bought me a shirt, then we started talking and he kissed me."~Megan

"The classic Logan. Awh the poor soul."~Morgan. We both giggle as she stops and I turn around.

"Let's jump on their backs."~Megan. I nod as we both run up to Logan and Daniel, jumping on their backs, startling them a bit.

"Morgan really?"~Daniel says laughing. 

"Of course."~I say before I notice his lip is still bleeding. I get off his back and drag him towards me, he faces me as I stare into his eyes. I wiped his lip and it stopped bleeding, as he leant in closer and closer, until our lips met.

"Princess, Don't come back here."~Daniel says putting me on his back.

"Okayyyy."~I drag out the Y as we walk to the exit and leave. I smile and cover Daniel's eyes, as he manages to walk straight forward to the car.

"I was making it easy."~I said crossing my arms.

"There is that gorgeous face. Come here. Let's ditch these and walk home."~He said winking at me. By now they had left so I shrugged and followed him. He turned around as I bumped into him, as he made our lips meet for what felt like forever...


(2017 me: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. Morgan the rebel xD THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE! I FREAKING LOVE YOU ALL. My Hoe William if u read this ur an asshat. EXAMS TODAY OML. I felt like crying in the hall but I didn't. And I found out I got my Photography GCSE! YAY! I AM SO THANKFUL! STAY ALIVE MY KILLJOYS! <3)

(2019 me: I regret choosing Photography sometimes. I DON'T WANT TO TAKE PICTURES OF FLOWERS FOR THREE TERMS MRS DAINTON. We're currently doing a project on Manchester though so that's alright I guess.)

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