Pound the Alarm

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Chapter 32

Jay’s POV

I was currently stood to the side of the stage with the lads waiting to go on and do our third interview of the day. I peeked my head around the side and spotted Roo sat in the front row with Nareesha; when I managed to catch her eye she grinned at me and I blew her a kiss causing her to blush and giggle. How I got a girl like her I’ll never know.

I was taken out of my little conversation by Nathan hitting me on the back of the head.

“What was that for” I yelled while looking at the grinning boy.

“We’re going on in a minute and I’d prefer not to see you and Ruby being so cute it makes me want to vomit glitter” He answered with a cheeky grin.

“Shut up! You and Rory are no better” I argued back making him blush furiously. At that moment Rory came up to us and hugged him from behind.

“I heard my name” Rory said, raising his eyebrows.

Nathan glanced around to make sure no one could see them quickly and turned around in his arms. Placing a kiss on Rory’s lips, pulling away quickly when he heard the stage director call from the door that we were going on now.

We all quickly rushed around the wall separating us all from the stage and sat down on the sofa. I looked into the crowd and winked at Ruby with Rory just sitting on her other side then looked back to the interviewer to see what she was saying.

Third person *Interview* ( S=Siva, J=Jay, T=Tom, M=Max, N=Nathan, I=Interviewer)

I – So boys you are just starting your tour today and the fans are going crazy! What have you got installed for them all?

S – Now that would be telling!

I – So you can’t tell us anything?

T – I’m afraid you’ll all have to wait and see

I – So all the fans have tweeted in some questions for you, are you up for answering them?

J – Go for it!

I – Okay, so the first questions says “ Tomax show us a kiss!”

Max and Tom leaned in and pressed their lips together in a quick kiss. The crowd screamed and aww’d at them while they turned a bit pink.

I – Nathan, lots of the fans have been asking who your mystery friend is that you’ve been spotted with a lot recently.

N – Oh erm that’s my erm f-friend Rory… He’s coming on tour with us because everyone’s allowed to bring someone so I’m bringing him.

I – So can you tell us what this is then. The interviewer had an evil glint in her eye as she turned to the TV screen and a video came up. All the guys gave Nath worried glances as they turned to face the screen as well. The video shows the guys waiting backstage; you could clearly see Jay and Nathan talking and then Rory coming up behind him. You see the smile on Nath’s face as he turned to kiss Rory.

The whole crowd gasped at what they saw and Nathan had gone pale; his hands began shaking and his eyes were beginning to water. Jay placed his arm around him and pulled him so his face was hidden from the camera on Jay’s shoulder.

T – You had no right to show that!

M – What the hell do you think you’re doing! He isn’t ready for this!

Max and Tom both yelled at the interviewer and the director. They seemed genuinely scared at what they were saying. The wanted boys were known for partying but not anger.

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