Girly Night In

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Chapter 20

Nathan’s POV

When we got home from the beach we all set to work on having the girlies night ever. Max and tom ran into the living room and began pushing all the furniture to the sides of the room so we could put our duvets and pillows there. While they were doing that me and seev went into the kitchen and made popcorn and got the beers from the basement. Once wed brought them up we took them into the living room and placed them at the foot of the TV.  Jay and Ruby then came down the stairs with a very precarious tower of our duvets and pillows that was so big that neither could see over the top of it. Thankfully they made it down the stairs in one piece. “Bird I think that’s the first time you’ve done something like that without falling!” tom shouted causing everyone to laugh.

After we’d set out everything we got into our jammies and lay down in front of the TV. Siva was on the end, then I was next to him with jay on my other side, ruby was in between jay and max and tom was next to max. We were all in a line leaning our back against the sofa.

“What do you wanna watch then guys?” ruby asked. “I think if we’ve already gone this far with the girly night that we should at least keep the theme going” Siva replied.

“Okay so chick flick it is!” roo exclaimed she leant over to the dvd collection we have and pulled out love actually. I love that film! It’s so perfect how they are all connected and find there version of happiness.

“What you smirking at nathy?” jay asked nudging me in the side while grinning back.

“I love this film, it’s just awesome” I replied while he put his arm around my shoulders.

“Haha if you’re not gay then I’m secretly a bowl of cereal” jay laughed. “Haha I’m pretty sure I am, I mean have you seen Ryan Gosling?!” all the boys laughed in return.

“Hey Ryan Gosling’s body isn’t a laughing matter!” roo exclaimed. “I agree, that man is a god” max imputed. “Same he is just…I can’t even describe him” tom said.

“I know you’re going to kill me for this, but who is he?” jay asked, I swear my jaw almost hit the ground. “Where have you been?! Have you been hidden in a cave?!” I shouted.

“I can’t believe I have to show you who he is jay but I will enlighten you with the picture on my phone” roo sighed.

“Well I’ve got to say that if that man had a vagina I think I would do him!” jay said making everyone chuckle. “If he did have a vagina I would still do him” roo answered causing jays jaw to drop. “That’s so hot” he said. “What is it with straight guys and lesbians?” ruby laughed at his expression.

After we’d all settled down we watched the film, jay still had his arm around my shoulders and ruby was leaning her head on max’s shoulder with tom on his chest as well. Seev had leaned his body close to mine but in a friendly way.

After the film had finished we decided to play never have I ever but the beer version as we didn’t have anything to use for shots. We all sat in a circle and tom started the game.

T: “Never have I ever had sex on a trampoline” seev took a sip

S: “never have I ever fallen over on stage” jay and tom took a sip

Me: “never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex intentionally” I said while laughing cos of what tom and max did. Jay, tom, max and roo took a drink. “Roo care to explain?” max questioned with a giggle. “Hey it was a college experimental phase!” she said while grinning back. “And Jay?” he turned his attention. “Same as roo to be honest” he giggled too.

J: “never have I ever had sex against a washing machine” he grinned and looked directly at tom and max. They both took a drink, “You shouldn’t have walked in on us like that” max said. “Hey! I had my headphones in, I couldn’t hear a thing but my eyes have been scarred for life!” jay argued back with us all in hysterics.

R: “never have I ever walked in on any of you guys while you were naked” all the boys took a drink. “Who’s seen who then?” roo laughed

“I think we’ve all seen each other’s manhood at some point” I imputed while the others nodded. “Well thanks for the insight into the lives of the wanted!” roo laughed.

We carried on playing until we were too tired and a little drunk to stay awake. That’s when I fell into a peaceful sleep with a smile on my face.

Ruby’s POV

Last night was so fun; I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in a long time. In woke up before the lads so decided to make them all a big breakfast. I put the radio on a low volume and started putting everything on the pans and cooking them. While I was waiting for the food I started dancing and singing round the kitchen while I tidied up a bit. I’d always loved to sing and dance but I’ve never thought anything of it, it was just a pass time really.

Just as I was swinging my hips around and singing Nathan’s solo in I found you I heard the floor behind me creak. I quickly stopped what I was doing and turned around to find all the boys stood in the doorway with their mouths hanging open. I blushed a bright red and I nervously rubbed the back of my neck.

“I know you said she was good, but damn max that was fucking awesome!” tom shouted while running over to me and hugging me.

“Roo why didn’t you show us before?” jay asked while putting his hand in mine. “I didn’t really think I was that good, ive only ever shown max and I know he said I was good but he’s my brother. He has to say that” I said nervously. “Well he was telling the truth babe you’re amazing!” jay exclaimed while kissing my temple.

“Hey guys don’t we still need a support act for the tour? Do you think you could do that on stage?” Nathan asked me while the others grinned and nodded. “Yeah I could do that, I used to be a support dancer for this other band ages ago and that was in front of loads of people” I replied.

“You were amazing in that sis” max stated with a proud smile. “Oh my god guys this is awesome!! Thank you so so so so much!!” I ran around to each of them, hugging and kissing all of them on the cheek except for jay who got a special kiss on the lips. “I love you jay jay” I said with a grin. “I love you too roo” he replied and gave me a swift kiss.


hey guys!!! thats that chapter! i know its kinda boring but its just a filler before tom and maxs date day... just to let you know that i made up the never have i ever and as far as i know i dont think the answers are true except fro the falling over.

vid to the side is the vamps, can we dance. it's amazing, theyre amazing seriously check them out. theyre almost as hot as ryan gosling ;)


~Roo xx

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