drooling over the younger George

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Chapter 4

Jay’s POV

Me, Siva, Nath and Tom were sat in the living room waiting for Max to get back with his sister. I wonder what she’s like. Will she be funny like max or look like max, god I hope she doesn’t look like max! A girl with a shaved head and stubble on their face would be really weird to live with.

“Earth to Jay!” Nath said while waving his hand in front of my eyes. I shook my head trying to focus back in on the conversation.

“What’re you thinking about mate?” Siva questioned.

“Just wondering what max’s sister will be like” I replied.

“Just don’t go for her unless you mean it or max will kill you.” Tom replied.

“Mate, we don’t even know what she’s like yet!” Nath said clearly the only one who was thinking ahead while Siva just nodded in agreement.

“Hey I’ve seen the pictures of her and she is hot!” tom shouted, us all laughing in reply.

The front door opened and I could hear max’s muffled voice. Tom shot up from his seat to go to max, we all tried to follow but I tripped. Unfortunately Nath and Seev were right behind me so landed right on top of me as they tripped on my body. As we finally got up we carried on running; as you can tell we hadn’t seen max in a couple of hours. Hey, it may not seem that long to you but we are all really close! I was the first of the three of us to get to max and hug him and soon the other guys were hugging him too. We all pulled away one by one, that’s when I remembered why max had gone out anyway. His sister was stood nervously in the corner giggling at us. I noticed all the boys staring at her and oh my god I couldn’t blame them! She was fucking gorgeous! Her auburn hair cascaded down her back and her eyes beaming just like max’s did.

I took this in while walking towards her, trying to be the gentleman by not drooling over her…well at least not as obviously as the other boys. I got to about a meter away from her and tripped on the bag next to the door, landing right on top of her. I have to say, I’m not bothered by this position I’m in. It’s not every day you fall and land on a beautiful girl. God her eyes were beautiful, green and sparkling in the light as she looks into mine.

I got snapped out of my trance by max’s voice. “Jay get off my sister, you know what I told you all!” he said reminding me of the conversation he had had with us all before he went to get his sister. It was mainly him warning us that if we tried anything with her or actually did something then broke her heart, and then he would kill us. And the worrying bit is he wasn’t the slightest bit kidding.


So yeah thats chapter 4! chapter 5 should be up later today because the sun has gone away so im stuck inside *sad face*. so let me know what you think, vote comment and all that stuff!

thank you for reading!!


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