Life's Not Always Perfect

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Chapter 28

Ruby’s POV

I woke up this morning to the sound of the bus’ engine rumbling down the motorway. I rolled over from my current position to cuddle into Jay’s warm chest to find that the mattress was empty. Realising this, I opened my eyes to see that the rest of the bunks were empty except for Tom and Max’s bunk where I could see them both muttering to each other; and then proceeding to carefully climb down from the bunk without falling in a heap on the floor. I waited a couple of minutes to fully wake up and then decided to go to the bathroom to fix my bed head and brush my teeth so the others are spared the sight of me.

I walked down the aisle of the bus, wobbling every now and again due to the rough road. Once I got to the bathroom I knocked on the door to see if anyone was in there.

“Yeah” I heard jay’s husky morning voice call from the other side of the wooden door.

“It’s me! Is it safe to come in?” I called back to him.

“Yeah, come in”

I pulled the handle down on the door and pushed it open. Jay was stood in front of the mirror with a towel hung low on his hips while he was halfway through shaving his beard off. I love his beard but even I think it had gotten that little bit too long for my liking.

He turned his head towards me and gave me a sweet smile while rinsing the razor in the water before bringing it back towards his face and looking back into the mirror. I picked up my wash bag from the floor and pulled out my hair brush and started to drag it through my birds nest.

“So, what’s the plan for today” I asked while scrunching my face up and staring at the big knot of hair in front of me, wondering how I’m going to sort it out.

“I’m not too sure yet but I think we’re stopping at a service station soon to pick up some food and what not”

“Okay cool. How long till we get up in Scotland”

“Erm, I think we should be there late afternoon or sometime in the evening. The tours got to start somewhere so we’re working our way from the top of the UK and down to the bottom, then we should be off to Ireland and Northern Ireland. It’s going to be epic and I can’t wait to see my beautiful girlfriend performing” Jay winked at me while I shook my head at him.

 Jay had now finished shaving and I had given up with the knot in my hair for now so we were both currently brushing our teeth. After a couple of minutes of us trying to talk through a mouthful of tooth paste we gave up and finished brushing. As soon as I had rinsed my mouth I felt a pair of lips press onto mine. I let out a surprised squeal and I felt Jay smile into the kiss. He slowly backed me into the sink so my back was pressed against the basin, my arms wrapped around his neck and my hands found their way to his hair, his hands were pulling my hips closer to his body so there wasn’t an inch of us that was apart. I could tell Jay was about to take it a step further when he stroked his tongue across my lips but we were once again interrupted. The door to the bathroom swung open and Jay and I pulled apart as quick as a flash and turned to see who was there.

As always, Tom was stood in the door frame with an awkward blush spread across his face while he rubbed the back of his neck. “Seriously mate, do you have some sort of radar where you can subconsciously tell when we kiss or is it just bad timing” Jay asked with a chuckle.

“I’m actually starting to think I do to be honest. This is just getting weird” Tom replied with a laugh, the pink tinge reseeding from his cheeks.

I giggled and walked towards the door, while passing Tom I stood on my tip toes and placed a small kiss on his right cheek. I looked back to see Jay smirking and I held my hand out towards him. As he passed Tom he also placed a kiss on his cheek but on the other side to me. He then took my hand and we started to walk down the bus together, with my brush still in my hand. I sat down on the sofa next to Nareesha. “Can you help a sister out and get this knot out of my hair? I don’t trust the lads no matter what they say” I pleaded giving her puppy dog eyes.

She let out a sigh, “Turn around then chick” and with that she set to work on my mess of hair. “How you got it this tangled up I’ll never know” She giggled with me.

“I bet Jay does…” Nathan muttered from the other sofa across from us. Everyone burst out laughing and Jay, Max and I all simultaneously picked up a cushion and threw it at him; causing him turn to the side and burry his face into the sofa.

It is now about eleven in the morning and we were all sat around a table in costa with our different variations of caffeine and food. We were all engrossed into the deep conversation we were having about whether Josh Hutcherson is “doable”, Max’s words not mine. Jay managed to close the conversation off with, “I’d do him even if we were both in the hunger games arena and the whole of the capital was watching. I’ve always said I want to go out of the world with a bang, so why not bang him” we all were crying with laughter when we were silenced by the presence of three girls.

They all seemed terribly nervous so I’m guessing they were fans. The boys talked to them for a while, took pictures and followed them on twitter; all the usual fan stuff. I decided that I needed to go to the loo so I whispered to jay as to where I was going. He kissed me quickly on the cheek and I sped off in search for them. After waiting in the queue for a few minutes I finally got into the loo; I did my business and made my way over to the sink. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the group of girls from before walk towards me.

“You’re Jay’s girlfriend right” The blonde girl at the front of them asked me with a disgusted expression on her face, making me feel uneasy.

“Erm yeah… Can I help you” I replied nervously while wiping my wet hands on my jeans.

“We just wanted to tell you to keep away from our Jay! You may be Max’s sister but that doesn’t mean you get a better chance than the rest of us” The brunette behind her said while looking my body up and down like I was a piece of crap.

“You’re not even pretty. I don’t know what he’s thinking” The other red headed girl stated. I could feel my eyes start to well up but I refused to let the tears spill; I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of that.

“You’re not good enough for him. So just, STAY. AWAY.” The blonde girl finished off as they all turned on their heels and waltzed out of the bathroom like nothing had happened.

I leant my back against the nearest wall and let what just happened sink in. I let the flood gates open and tears poured down my face, I was shaking with emotions and I couldn’t handle being in here alone. But at the same time I didn’t want someone to find me like this because then I’d have to explain.

My body slowly sunk down to the floor with my body curled into a ball. I hoped and prayed that no one would walk in but just as I sent my wishes, my brother walked in. He froze for a second while he just looked at my current state. He didn’t say a word as he scooped me up into a tight embrace and rocked me back and forth until my violent sobs had become silent tears…


Hey my lovelys! First off... Merry christmas!!! Or if you don't celebrate christmas then happy holidays!!! So it's 2am and i am just finishing uploading this chapter for you because i can't sleep; I swear i'm a child in a teenagers body...

So picture and video are the boys but christmas related so i hope you enjoy that.

What do you all think of the drama going on with Ruby and that fans? What do you want the out come to be? Let me know what your thinking about it all.


~Roo xx

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