best friend marriage

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Chapter 22

Jay’s POV

Ruby and I were sat on the sofa; her body was in between my legs with her back leant against my chest and my arms around her waist. Not going to lie; this is probably the most comfy position ive ever been in.

I turned my head to the side to look out the door to see a topless nath walking down the stairs in his sweat pants.

“Rocking a nice bed head there mate!” I shout to him as he walks through the room to the kitchen.

“You know the rules! No talking to me until ive had my tea!” he shouted from the kitchen in a surprisingly cheery mood. Wonder what’s made him so happy this morning…

“What’s got you so chirpy this morning? Normally you would have bitten someone’s head off if they shouted before your tea.” Ruby asked from in front of me, voicing my thoughts.

Nath then walked into the room sipping his tea. He flopped down on the other end of the sofa, leaning his back against the arm rest so he was facing us. He just sat there grinning at us.

“Oooo I know that look! You met someone didn’t you?!” Ruby shouted bouncing forward so she was sat in front of nath.

“Yeah I did!” They both started clapping and bouncing in their seats, what the hell I’ll enjoy the fun. That’s when they both stopped and turned around to look at me with odd expressions on their faces. It was a cross in between hilarity and embarrassing.

“What!?” I shouted. “Mate you can’t pull that off” nath said with a chuckle. “It’s alright jay, you don’t need to be able to. It’s a bit feminine” Ruby said while stroking my arm sympathetically at my defeated look.

“Ok back on the subject… what’s he like?” ruby giggled.

“He’s called Rory, he’s a bit taller than me maybe by two inches, got the most beautiful brown eyes I’ve ever seen, he’s funny, caring, cute, easy going and he’s rreeaalllyyy hot” Nathan said in an excited tone.

“Well I never thought I’d here that coming out of your mouth but I’m really happy for you mate. But you have to promise me one thing…” I said seriously

“What is it mate?” he asked with his eyebrows furrowing.

 “You have to promise they’ll always be Jaythan. I’m being serious; you still have to tell me everything in that brain of yours like always” I said with a smirk pointing at him jokingly but still being serious at the same time…if you can do that…

“I promise they’ll always be Jaythan, couldn’t lose my jaybird now could I?!” he replied with a chuckle and his cheeky grin.

“Gawd guys why don’t you get married or something?!” ruby exclaimed with a chuckle.

“Oh we are, we just don’t tell anyone; he’s my husband I’m not even joking” I replied with a serious expression.

“Sorry to break it to ya roo but he’s my true love” nath replied jokingly. Then we both stood up and leapt into each other’s arms while I span him round in a hug.

“You guys a so weird sometimes” Ruby said in an amused tone.

“Haha get used to it babe” I replied while sitting down next to her and putting my arm around her shoulders.

“Hey I thought I was your babe?!” nath shouted in mock horror.

“You have Rory now, I’m sure you’ll get over it” I replied with a chuckle as he blushed at his name.

Ruby's list (Jay Mcguiness/Tomax Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang