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Just a warning that there is a bit of sort of sexual content in this chapter, I'll put a ******** when its at the start and end of that bit just incase you dont want to read that bit! Happy reading guys! (Not in that way you cheeky sods) xx


Chapter 24

Ruby’s POV         

Over the past few weeks of staying here in London with my brother and his friends; well I guess they’re my friends too now, I have found myself every evening sat on my bedroom windowsill gazing at the stars. I think over my day, my thoughts, my feelings, my problems. Whatever the problem is; however big, the answer always seems to lie among the stars.

Tonight the problem lies with my father. You see me and my dad have never got along due to the fact that he is VERY controlling over Max and I. That’s partly the reason why I came to stay with Max over the summer holidays and partly because I missed him dearly.

He doesn’t like that we strain and break the boundaries he tries to set for us both. That’s one of the reasons why Max tried so hard to get in the band and why I am going to try my best to become a singer too; and put myself out there.

You may be wondering why he came to mind tonight while I was sat on that chilly windowsill wrapped in a blanket, so I’ll tell you. I got a text, a simple text but one that made my drive to succeed so much bigger, it read:

From: Dad

I heard youre going on tour with max. Don’t get your hopes up; max got there by luck.

As I’ve expressed before; my dad’s a massive prick. He didn’t believe Max could do it but look where he is now; going around the world singing in front of stadiums that hold 10,000 people. Even if I don’t get as big as Max I still want to be in the music industry or even just teaching it!

I was knocked out of my thoughts by a tap on the door.

“Come in!” I shouted while turning away from the window.

“Hey babe, what you doing up here? Everyone’s downstairs singing , I missed you” Jay smiled at me.

“I’m just thinking. Contemplating on what to believe any more…” I said with a sigh.

“What are you unsure of love?” Jay replied curiously while sitting on the other end of the windowsill lifting up my feet and resting them on his lap.

I sighed once more and turned my gaze to his piercing blue eyes.

“My dad sent me a text and I’m just worried that it’s too early for me to perform in front of this many people. I mean am I really good enough? What if I let you all down? What if I let you and Max down? Out of all the people in the world I couldn’t bear to see your expressions if I did badly” I could feel a few tears escape my eyes and trickle down my cheeks.

I felt jays hand cup my cheek as he wiped the tears away with his thumb. “Look at me” I kept my eyes closed. “Roo, look at me babe” I opened my eyes to be met by his face covered with concern.

“I know it may be scary, I know this is going to be a lot different to singing in the shower or secretly in the kitchen. But I know they will all love you. When Nath heard you sing even he was gobsmacked and that kid has a huge set of vocal chords on him! I wish I’d had heard you sing sooner because you are amazing; the best singer I’ve ever heard. Whatever happens I’ll always be here, loving you to the end of the universe and back; the lads will be right behind me on that one. Don’t listen to your dad, he’s a dick. I know I haven’t seen the text but ive heard the stories and from what I’ve heard he hasn’t got a clue on what he’s saying. So when you’re up on that stage, I’ll be there and so will the boys and the girls, watching, believing and loving in what you’re doing. Don’t doubt what you’ve got because I love you for every part of you.” His eyes starred deeply into my eyes and I could feel my eyes watering; this time for happiness instead of sadness.

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