Did everyone hear?

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Chapter 16

Jay’s POV

Replaying that amazing moment yesterday in the car put a smile on my face. I’m so happy with my life it’s unreal. I’ve got the best girlfriend, my dream job and the most awesome mates anyone could ask for; they’re like my brothers.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a faint knock on my door. I shouted for the person to come in. the door opened to reveal Nathan. I hadn’t spoken to him all day as I’ve just woken up.

“Hey lil’ nath, you alright mate?” I asked while he sat down on the end of my bed.

“Yeah I’m good mate, what’s got you smiling?” he chuckled. I sat up in my bed like an excited child and started bobbing up and down cos I really wanted to tell someone what happened yesterday.

“I told Ruby I love her yesterday and she said she loved me back!” I said in a rush still grinning.

“Mate I know, I was there! We all heard you and it was adorable! Tom almost cried from how cute it was bird!” nath exclaimed while laughing.

“Oh god, that’s embarrassing! I didn’t know you were all listening!” I replied while burying my face in my hands as I felt my cheeks go red.

“Haha don’t worry about it bird-“nath was cut off by walking through the door.

“You are adorable!!! And it almost made me cry!” tom shouted with the flip cam in his hand. “So TWFanmily do you want to know why jay almost made me cry?” tom continued to say into the camera but then turned it towards me to tell them.

“Do we have to tell the world?” I exclaimed while tom and nath just nodded. “Ugh fine! I told roo I love her yesterday and she said she loved me and we were in the car and I didn’t realise all the lads were listening and apparently it was so cute tom almost cried” I said in one breath while scratching the back of my neck.

“I was close to tears too!” Siva said while he walked into the room.

“This could not get any more embarrassing” I mumbled to myself.

“Ahh but it really could. You love my sister and we all love you too” Max said while walking over to me and hugging me.

“Max, get off ma man!” Ruby skipped into the room giggling to herself. Well this isn’t strange at all. Max let go of me while laughing and I pulled roo onto my lap.

“Good morning love” I said to her while giving her a peck on the cheek.

“Mornin’ babe, so what’s happening in here? All I could here was people shouting about crying” she said with a giggle.

“They all heard us in the car yesterday and we almost made tom cry from ‘how cute it was’” I explained.

“Oh well that’s embarrassing and to make you even more embarrassed… do you realise tom’s filming and your sitting on top of your duvet in just your boxers?” she grinned at me and I was going bright red.

“Bird don’t worry about it, now roo’s sat on you it looks like you’re naked” trust tom to say something like that.

While the others were laughing roo lent in so only I could hear her. Her breath tickled my ear sending shivers down my spine. “I think you look hot like that” oh god that turned me on. I could feel myself getting warmer and roo noticed and chuckled at me.

Roo turned on my lap so she was facing the boys and the movement didn’t help with my problem. “Do you guys want to go out for the day?” she enquired, they all replied with yes’s and walked out of my room to get ready with max closing the door on his way out.

Ruby turned back round on my lap so she was straddling me. I led down on the bed bringing her down on top of me. “You really know how to get me in an even more awkward situation don’t you?” I grinned at her while she nodded. “You loved it though” she replied cheekily to me with a grin. “Hell yeah!” I exclaimed rolling her over so I was lying on top of her. I leant down and kissed with all I had. Putting all my love into it to show her. Our lips moved together like clockwork and I traced my tongue across her bottom lip asking for entrance. She opened and I massaged her mouth with my tongue while she did the same. We both pulled away, the need for air getting too much.

“To be continued but for now I have to get ready” she said while getting up and winking.

“Haha I hope you keep to your word I was enjoying that. I love you” I said to her while she walked to the door.

“I will don’t you worry just wait for later. I love you too!” she called down the hall making me laugh. God I love her so much.


Hey my lovelys! did another update cos i got over 50 more reads in 20 hours! That is so amazing and thank you all soooo much im so hapy!! 

pic to the side, bless them only best friends could act like they all do. oh and just to make it clear i dont actually think theyre gay its just a bit of a plot twist :)

vid to the side isnt the wanted but troye sivan and tyler oakly and they are adorable and hilarious! i recommend watching their videos. i dont own the pic or vid


~Roo xx

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