The Dates That Collided

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Chapter 21

Max’s POV

Tom and I were laid in the park under a tree; my head was rested on his shoulder with his arm securely around my waist. For our date I decided to just have a quiet day away from the camera flashes and busy streets; thankfully Tom loved the idea.

We’d just finished the picnic I had prepared that had all of Tom’s favourite foods. There were strawberries, marshmallows, Capri-sun’s (he has an addiction to these drinks) and finally some Pringles. It’s a random selection but that’s Tom for you.

For the rest of the afternoon we talked and played some football then finally deciding to head home to watch a movie.

“Max, as a thank you for today will you let me take you clubbing tonight?” Tom inquired while we snuggled up on the sofa.

“Aw tom that would be awesome!”

“Okay let’s go get ready and leave in twenty minutes!” tom shouted excitedly.

Thirty minutes later we entered the club. The music blared from the speakers set up by the DJ as we made our way over to the bar. Tom ordered us both a beer each and we found two seats to perch on. We sat for ten minutes just talking while we drank our beers before I asked tom to come and dance with me; he gladly accepted.

I placed my hands on tom’s waist while he placed his around my neck. We moved to the beat of the music trying our best to dance well but obviously failing. The wanted aren’t known for their dance moves after all.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a boy I recognised also dancing with a boy. That’s when I realised it was Nathan! Tom was now also turned around looking at the pair with grins across our faces.

“Oh my god! That is adorable!” Tom squealed while jumping on the spot and clapping his hands like a seal. I laughed and pulled tom off the dance floor to the bar so we could observe them better. Not that we were spying or anything…

“Do you think we should leave? Or should we stay just in case something goes wrong? What if he sees us! He might get mad, or wor-“I exclaimed before getting cut off by Nathan walking up to us with the mystery guy.

“Hey lads! Still on your date day?” nath questioned nonchalantly.

“Yeah we are, but what would a date be without bumping into one of your best mates ay?!” tom chuckled to himself.

“So aren’t you going to introduce us nath?” I enquired while wiggling my eyebrows causing him to blush.

“Of course! This is Rory, Rory this is Tom and Max” Nathan said while gesturing to each of us while we shook hands.

“So, how did you two meet?” Tom asked while raising his eyebrows.

“Oh Rory may have spilt tea on me in star bucks then we got to talking and now well…we’re sort of on a date” Nathan replied while blushing.

“Aww lil’ nath’s all grown up!” I replied while me and tom ruffled his hair squeezed his cheeks.

“Guys, seriously? You have to do this right now!” Nathan chuckle while swatting our hands away.

“Are we embarrassing baby nath on his date??” tom cooed at him. Nathan hid his face in Rory’s chest trying to cover his rosy cheeks while Rory chuckled and stroked the back of his head.

“Aww your nicknames are baby nath and lil’ nath?! Why didn’t you tell be before? They’re so cute!” Rory exclaimed. “Hang on you’re the guys that kissed him right?” he questioned.

“Erm yeah we are… it didn’t mean anything though!” Tom shouted getting worried about what might happen.

“Calm down mate! I thought it was a pretty funny story, thanks for helping him with coming out though otherwise he wouldn’t be on this date with me!” Rory chuckled while Nathan grinned.

“It’s our pleasure Rory. But if you break his heart we’ll kick your arse” tom said seriously.

“Yeah and there’s two others who will help. I’m sorry this is so serious and probably a bit intimidating but he’s one of our best mates and he’s like our little brother. Its instinct you know?” I added on just to shed some light to the situation.

“I respect that guys don’t you worry though. I’m not going to do that, he’s too cute. Ain’t ya nathy?” he replied with a wink. Tom and I chuckled finally happy that nath has an awesome guy who could potentially be his boyfriend soon.

“Come dance with me Rory before these guys embarrass me anymore” Nath said while pulling on his hand and grinning at tom and I.

Nathan’s POV

Rory and I danced for a while, just talking about the most random things we could think of. I really like him; he’s funny, hot, caring, relaxed and has the most amazing brown eyes.

I looked up into his eyes, I say looked up because he’s about two inches taller than me. He met my gaze and slowly leant down, glancing at my lips every now and again. Our lips connected and I could feel the fireworks going off in my stomach, I had never felt like this before when I had kissed someone. The kiss was slow and tender; we both ended up smiling into the kiss and breaking away.

Our faces were still millimetres away when I whispered: “Best. Kiss. Ever” In reply Rory whispered back: “Agreed. But I’m sure we could improve on that one day” I smiled and blushed at the same time. “Nathy, will you be my boyfriend?” he asked me nervously. “Of course I will! But can we not tell the public yet… just friends we trust and family? Oh shit! My family don’t even know I’m gay yet!” I chuckled nervously. “Don’t you worry, I’ll be next to you every step of the way” Rory soothed.

I smiled and pecked him on the lips. This year was going to be epic! But before it could, I had to tell the people I love the most. Family, friends and of course the fans.


Hey my lovely people! im so sorry for the wait and im sorry that its a bit crappy but i just couldnt get into it...

Special thank you to Jay_Bird_Heart_6781 for voting on so many of my chapters! You are a total babe!

 The video to the side is the lads on x factor and i just think the pic is cute


~Roo xxx

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