kiss him

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Chapter 19

Max’s POV

“Hey babe, I was wondering only because we’ve had a really good day today that maybe tomorrow we could go on our date. Like a date day so we can make two days great instead of just the one” I asked tom, I was lay on his chest with my body in-between his legs it would seem uncomfortable but surprisingly it wasn’t.

“Yeah that would be perfect actually, now we can have to great days together” tom replied while gently stroking my cheek. “So maxy…what have you got planned for me?” he asked me with a cheeky wink.

“Well I have many ideas but you won’t find out till tomorrow” I answered with a grin on my face. I knew tom was really bad with waiting for a surprise.

“Aw but max I can’t wait till tomorrow to find out! What am I supposed to do until then?!” he whined.

“There are lots of things we could do Thomas” I replied while inching my lips closer to his. His eyes widened slightly but soon a grin spread across his lips.

With my body still draped over his I leant down and connected our lips in a heated kiss. His lips moved fiercely against mine making me moan. He then took this as a sign and rolled us over so now he was on top. He disconnected our lips and started trailing kisses down my jawline and slowly towards my neck. He found my sweat spot which was just above my collar bone and started nibbling and sucking on that one spot; leaving a mark. I tried to hold back the moan in my throat but he ran his hand along the side of my bum causing it to be released in a deep tone. I felt tom smile against my skin obviously pleased that he had that effect on me. Oh it’s on parker!

*1 hour later*

Things had escalated quite a bit from just that kiss so me and tom had taken it somewhere a bit more secluded. As we emerged from the cave we saw Nathan sat down on his own further down the beach. As we both thought the same thing we started walking towards him in the opposite direction to everyone else. As we got closer I started to see that his shoulders were shaking and he had tear tracks down his cheeks. That’s when my brotherly instincts kicked in and we both jogged over without saying a word and hugged him. He didn’t say a word either, just hugged us back. I could feel his tears on my shoulder and we just rocked him back and forth until his sobs had stopped. Slowly we both pulled away to see his eyes red and puffy with a broken smile on his face.

“What’s the matter nathy?” I asked him while tom held onto his hand for reassurance.

“I dunno… I’m just really confused. I don’t understand what’s going on with me, it’s like something isn’t in place and I don’t know why” he said exasperatedly while running his free hand through his hair.

I knew that feeling all too well and it would be only fair to tell him. “Nath, I’m only saying this cos I’ve felt that way before and you might not like to hear it but I’m going to tell you anyway. I felt that way all the time until I first kissed tom; that’s when I felt something click inside me and my life just seemed right.”

“Yeah I felt the same way towards max. Do you think you might be-“

“I don’t know! Maybe? I’ve never even kissed a guy” he said cutting tom off mid-sentence.  Me and tom both turned to each other and grinned we both gave each other a small nod in agreement knowing exactly what to do next.

I quickly turned to Nathan and put my lips against his, holding them together for a few seconds then pulling away. Then tom leaned in and did the exact same thing. Nath slowly opened his eyes with his mouth slightly open.

“Well that was…different” he said while grinning. Tom and I both chuckled at him. “So nathy, has that helped you in anyway?? I asked with a grin on my face.

“It did feel a bit more normal…cos normally I feel like I have to put an effort into kissing a girl; like I’m forcing myself. But it was strange to be kissed by two of my best mates who are like my brothers and are going out” he said while chuckling.

“Well I think that there was defiantly something. Do you want to know why?” tom asked with a cheeky grin on his face.

“Go on…” nath replied looking curious

“You closed your eyes” tom answered

“That doesn’t mean anything though, does it?”

“Well if I were to go over there and kiss seev I bet his eyes would be open” tom challenged with a grin.

“It’s true mate, you only close your eyes if it feels right” I said backing tom up.

“Prove it then, bring him over here and kiss him.” Nath dared tom smugly.

“Only if it’s alright with max” tom said while looking into my eyes. That is adorable.

“It’s fine with me; we’re only proving a point”

Tom then shouted siva over and when he was here I said, “Right we’re trying to prove a point to nath so we need to borrow our face while tom does something”

“Okay then…” seev replied looking curious

Quickly tom put his lips onto seev’s and held them there for a few seconds then pulled away and sure enough his eyes stayed open the whole time.

“See! Eyes open!” I exclaimed.  Before nath could say anything ruby had appeared with jay, we hadn’t noticed they’d joined us.

“What’s going on here then? Whys tom kissing seev?” she asked with one eyebrow raised.

“Hang on I’ll tell you in a minute I just need you to do me quick favour to help my point then forgive me for what ill do next cos you’ll understand” I said

“Erm okay, what is it?” ruby replied.

“Just kiss jay for a few seconds” she gave me strange look but did as I said.

“See both eyes closed!” tom exclaimed then quickly I got up and kissed jay.

When I pulled away tom said “And yet again jay’s eyes open”

“Can someone please explain what going on?” ruby asked while laughing.

“We were saying to nath that you only close your eyes when you kiss someone if you feel something and then he said not always but it’s quite obvious now that we made our point”

The others nodded their heads in agreement.

“Hang on why were you talking about this anyway? Who’ve you been kissing nath?” jay asked with a cheeky grin.

“Erm well I…I think I might be gay” nath stuttered out while looking to the ground. Then looked up to me for help.

“So tom and I kissed him without telling him we were going to do it like we did to you guys and he closed his eyes then he was saying it doesn’t mean anything and well…that’s where we are now” I explained to them all.

Jay came and sat down by Nathan and put his arm around his shoulders. “There’s nothing to worry about mate. We’ll work it out together and we still love you and so do the fans. Whatever happens you’ll still be our baby nath” jay said while they hugged each other.

“Come on guys let’s go home, drink beer and watch a film. Like a girly sleep over but with one girl and five lads” Siva said with a grin on his face.


Hey guys!! thank you soooo much for getting me to 510 reads and 5 votes!!! did a bit of a long chaper for ya and i hope you liked it *fingers crossed* id love to get some comments from you :D

love you guys so much for all this as i never though so many people would read it, it actually scares me a little just in case its a let down


~ Roo xxx

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