International Kissing Day

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Chapter 26

Jay’s POV

“Babe! Where are you?” I shouted walking through the house.

“I’m in here babe!” Nath shouted back in an amused tone.

“Not you, I meant the one I love!” I shouted while laughing.

“I’m offended! This marriage might not last as long as I thought!” Nath replied in mock hurt.

“I’m in here you idiot!” Ruby finally shouted.

I walked into the kitchen to find my beautiful girlfriend sat on the counter with nath at the table with a cup of tea and his phone; probably texting Rory.

“Today it’s the 6th of July so you know what that means…It’s international kissing day!” I said with a cheeky grin.

“Oh so you want me to kiss you?” Roo replied with an evil glint in her eye.

“Or I could kiss you; either way I don’t mind.”

“Well you’ll have to catch me first!” Suddenly she jumped up off the counter and started running out of the room. I quickly began running after her, she ran into the living room and I caught her but tripped; landing right on top of her on the floor.

“I’m pretty sure this is what happened the first time we met.” Roo said with a chuckle.

“Yeah and I still like this position like the first time I fell on you.” I said with a wink. She giggled in response and slapped my arm playfully.

After our laughter had died down I slowly leant down and placed my lips onto Ruby’s. The kiss started of tentative with our lips moving slowly against each other’s; but gradually the kiss got a bit more heated. She bit down onto my lip making me moan; I opened my mouth and let her tongue slip in.

Tom’s POV

Currently I was walking through the house with the flip camera filming for the wanted Wednesday video and since it was national kissing day we had made a competition on twitter. Basically we asked the fans earlier today who they would like to see us kiss out of me, Max, Siva, Jay, Nathan, Ruby and Nareesha. We said we would choose the top ones that would give everyone a chance to kiss at least one person. The final choices turned out to be: Jaythan, Juby, Tomax and Seevesha. So I am currently looking for everyone to start the kisses off.

“Guys can you come into the kitchen we need to do the kisses for the flip!” I shouted up the staircase to be replied with footsteps.

I went to walk through the living room but stopped in my tracks. “Turns out we’ve got our first kiss right now, I present to you Jay McGuiness and Ruby George.” I said in a whisper. I turned the camera around to show them both on the floor, jay on top of ruby and them having what I’d say is quite a heated kiss.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a chin being leant onto my shoulder, I instantly knew who it was. “What’re you looking at babe?” Max asked me quietly, he’d obviously not seen the pair yet. Instead of answering I just pointed at them.

“Jay seriously mate?! On the living room floor, I really didn’t need to see you make out with my sister.” Max replied in an embarrassed and shocked tone.

“Sorry mate, you’ve seen me kiss her before anyway so I don’t see the problem.” Jay replied with a shrug while they both stood up.

“Yeah but not like that.” Max replied while rubbing his eyes trying to remove the image from his brain.

“Come on max they’ve seen us do worse. Remember that time in the car when I squeezed your bum and you moaned.” I stated with a grin.

“Oh god I thought I’d forgotten about that but now the memory is coming back!” Ruby said in a disturbed manner.

Ruby's list (Jay Mcguiness/Tomax Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now