Wear your scars with pride, they make you, you.

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Hey i did have this ready yesterday but my internet wouldnt post it... so enjoy!!


Chapter 17

Ruby’s POV

I walked out of the house following the boys into the van. I was wearing a pink floral skirt that went just above my knee and a sleeveless white collared shirt. I jumped into the van and sat by the window with jay sitting down next to me, seev on the other side of him, max across from me who was leaning against tom and finally Nathan next to tom. We had decided before we left the house that we would spend the day at the beach. (I know London doesn’t exactly have a beach but let’s just say it does). After a half an hour drive we made it to the beach, after parking the van we all hopped out. Walking hand in hand with jay and the lads down the beach, we found a quiet spot that was around a big group of boulders so the boys wouldn’t get bothered.

All the lads started taking their tops off and were heading towards the sea. Jay noticed that I wasn’t following and came over to me.

“Hey babe what’s the matter?” Jay asked in a concerned tone while he gently stroked my arm. He could see the worry in my eyes so he led me over to one of the rocks and sat me down with him next to me. “Come on roo you can tell me anything, I love you” He continued to gently stroke my arm which did help to relax me.

I should probably explain why the whole taking my clothes off on the beach thing bothers me…you see only max knows and I don’t know what jay will think. He could think I’m disgusting and ugly and not want to see me ever again. I don’t care about what the world thinks as long as jay still loves me. Okay I know that still doesn’t explain it so, here I go.

“One night when I was with Jaymi we decided to go out. It was a busy night and we’d decided to take the car; Jaymi thought he knew a shortcut so we were going quite fast down this narrow street. We weren’t paying attention to the road as we were laughing at something stupid. So stupid that he didn’t see the stop sign…once we got hit I passed out but Jaymi didn’t. So he pulled me out of the crumpled car and the first thing I remember when I woke up in the hospital was feeling this searing pain on my stomach. That’s when I saw the stiches running from the right side of my rib cage, to just above my navel. There wasn’t too much damage; just on the surface. My skin became a canvas for the world to draw on…and I’ll never forget what he did for me. That’s why it hurt me so bad when he cheated on me, but that doesn’t matter now that I’ve got you. I just hope it doesn’t change the way you think of me.” I hadn’t realised id said that, it was like I just zoned out and I was back in that exact moment. A tear slid down my cheek and I felt the warmth of jays thumb against my skin.

I looked up and met jay’s gaze. For a second he didn’t say anything then a warm smile spread across his rosy cheeks. “Ruby I am so proud of you for getting through all of that and coming out the other side as this amazing women. I can see you’re insecure about the scar but I’m telling you know that you are beautiful. No matter what anyone says, you are perfect. I walk down the street with you and I see people starring at you, not me, you. And I know that they are thinking that you are amazing and how did I manage to get you. I know I am the luckiest man in the world to have you, and you know what I do when I see them looking?” He asked me I just shrugged. “I grin at those unlucky fuckers and hold you closer! To show them that I am a smug bastard that I have you!” He laughed and so did I.

“I love you so much jay. I don’t know what I’d do without you” I said while grinning at him. Slowly we both leaned in and connected our lips. His lips were soft and tender and I could feel him smile through the kiss, causing me to smile with him. We both pulled away and jay took my hand.

“So may I escort my stunning lady into the sea?” jay asked in a posh accent. “You certainly may” I replied copying his tone. I began to take my skirt off, putting it in the pile of clothes the boys had created with their shirts. I began fiddling with the hem of my shirt debating whether I could show the world my body. Jay slowly put his hands on top of mine,

“You’re perfect babe, don’t ever forget it.” He said meaningfully while looking into my eyes. I began to lift my top off with jay’s hands still on top of mine. A smile spread across his lips while I threw my top into the pile. Leaving me in my coral pink bikini; Jay slowly leant down and put three kisses along my scar, one on each end and one on the middle.

“I love you Ruby” he said while leading me down the beach and into the water. I couldn’t help but smile.

As soon as my feet hit the water the other boys turned to look at me. And what happened next was a bit of a surprise to me. Nath began wolf whistling, seev began clapping in what seemed like approval and max smiled at me cos he knew I was nervous about it all.

“Damn guurrll, you lookin’ fine!” tom shouted from next to max. “Tom I thought you were gay!?” jay asked him as we walked further into the water. “I am but I know a gorgeous girl when I see one!” he exclaimed while chuckling. “Your boyfriend is right there!” jay said laughing. “Hey I don’t mind! He’s right she is gorgeous, but I obviously don’t mean that in the way the boys are thinking” he said while chuckling. That's when they all started to sing hottest girl in the world by JLS, this is so embarrassing.

“Guys, I’m stood literally one metre away from you. Could we not talk about my body and play some volleyball?” I asked and in return got a group of loud cheers from the lads. Well I could tell that today was going to be eventful!


Hey my lovelys!! I hope you enjoyed it! This chapter is brought to you from demand, haha you know who you are ;) haha okayy so pic and vid to the side arent mine yet again...sooo yeah jay...bless him


~Roo xx

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