In a heart beat

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Hey guys!!! hope youre enjoying the book sssooo far,  let me know what you think!!



Chapter 3

Ruby’s POV

Now the greeting were over we all walked into the living room. We all sat down, Nathan on the floor, Max on Toms lap in the single seat and me in between jay and Siva. I never knew max and tom were so close, I wouldn’t be surprised if tomax was true. We all sat talking for hours; we all just seemed to click. But as it got later and I got more tired I could feel my eyes begin to close.

I woke up to being carried up the stairs by jay. He looked down as I stretched a bit. It was weird being held by jay, he was like my best friend and id only known him for a couple of hours.

“Hey Ruby, you fell asleep on me so I though id carry you up, I hope you don’t mind.” He said with a smile on his face.

“No its perfectly okay, thank you bird” I replied as he placed me onto my bed.

“Oh are we on nicknames now!” he grinned, “What should mine be for you?” he continued thoughtfully.

“Call me Roo, that’s what my family call me anyway” I reply sleepily.

He chuckled, “Night Roo.” then started to walk out of my room. That’s when I did something that even surprised me.

“Jay, stay with me. I don’t like being on my own in new places.” He grinned in response.

“I will get changed and knock when I’m done so you can change too.” He said friendlily.

I quickly got changed into one of Max’s t-shirts which went to my mid-thigh, when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in” that’s when jay walked in with just his pj bottoms on. His pale but perfectly toned muscles stood out in the dim light. I had to drag my eyes away to his face to make sure he didn’t catch me checking him out. We both got into my bed and lay there.

“I’m sorry I fell on you” jay said, breaking the silence.

“Don’t worry about it. It broke the tension between everyone.” I grinned at him.

“We should go to sleep, it’s pretty late” we both lay face to face, the window blew the curtains around. The cool draft sending shivers through my body. Jay pulled me into his chest, resting my head above his fast beating heart. Did I do that to him? No of course no, we’re just friends. I’ve only known him a day! While these thoughts whirled around my head I slowly started to fall asleep.


So yeah thats that chapter! sorry i might be a bit slow on the updates for the few people actually reading this but atleast someone is reading out there...anyway going off topic, its really sunny here is england so yeah i might be going out a bit more but will try and update often!! :D


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