Dragged Out the Closet Kicking and Screaming

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Chapter 31

Ruby’s POV      

I woke up the next morning to the light streaming through the gap in the curtain, casting shadows around the room. I felt a slight breeze at the back of my neck and a heavy weight slung across my waist. Jay’s breath was delicate and even and knowing he was here with me now put a huge smile on my face. Today it is the start of the tour and the boys have a few interviews with magazines and then in the evening they have their first show. I was so excited to see the boys live for the first time in ages! Just seeing them running around on stage acting all dorky makes my day so much better. I felt Jay take in a deep breath and then his body shuffled around a bit while pulling my body closer to his bare chest.

“Roo babe are you awake” Jay’s husky morning voice quietly mumbled into the back of my neck.

“Yeah baby I’m up, have been for a while” I answered while turning over to look at him for the first time today.

“You should’ve waked me up! I would’ve kept you company” He replied while gently tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

“It’s okay; you have a long day today and thought you’d need the extra sleep. You’ve got about four hours until your first interview”

“Okay, well how about we have a snuggle and watch some movies before we head off for the day. That sound good?” Jay suggested while pulling my body on top of his lying figure.

“That sounds perfect” I reply and give him a peck on the lips before rolling out of bed and stretching my arms above my head while arching my back like a cat.

Nathan’s POV

Currently I was walking around mine and Rory’s hotel room searching for my phone. I could hear the water running in the bathroom from Rory’s shower and his soft voice humming a random melody. I wonder if he can sing. I’ll listen out for that one.

I was suddenly knocked out of my thoughts by a loud knock on the door. I picked up my shirt and placed it over my head onto my body while walking to the door. I twisted the handle and ruffled my hair while looking up to see who was on the other side. I gasped at who was stood before me and quickly pulled my Mum into a tight hug. My Mum Karen, my sister Jess and my Step-Dad Phil were all stood there with huge grins on their faces.

“Oh my god guys! What are you doing here” I half yelled out of pure shock.

“Kevin called saying you had some important news that you should tell us and that we could come and see you” My mum said in a slightly concerned voice. That’s when I remembered that Rory was in the shower literally metres away from my family who didn’t know I was gay. Oh hell no! Kevin did not just do that.

“Oh shit” I frustratedly ran my fingers through my hair as I felt my eyes begin to sting out of a mixture of anger and terror. “KEVIN GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW” I shouted through the door as his room was across from mine. My family were now in the room sat on the sofa looking at me with pure shock on their faces.

“Look Nath, we told Scooter and he said he was fine with it but he thought that your family should know as well cos…well they’re your family. They’ll love you always” Kevin said quickly in a calm voice once he’d made it out of his door while he held me by the arms to stop me from hitting him or coming any closer.

“You have no right to make that decision for me! Both you and scooter can’t decide things like that, it’s my life! I make the decisions” I yelled while pulling away and running my hand through my hair for what felt like the millionth time in the last few minutes. I turned around to look at my family who seemed scared by now and mumbled that I had to go talk to someone. They all just nodded softly while I stormed towards the bathroom.

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