chapter twenty nine

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He threw me onto the bed, it dented as my weight seemed to be slammed against it. My head was resting against the softer cushion of the sergeant. It seemed like everything in this room was luxurious compared to the girls’ cabins. The perks of being a first sergeant.

“What are you doing?” I yelled to him, knowing that at his point he could only hurt me with his words, not physically. And being offended is a choice.

He didn’t answer me, only nervously paced through the room back and forth, his lips pursed together in frustration and his broad shoulders tensed as he threw his hands through his hair. His curls weren’t covered by the normal sergeant hat he wore, I liked it.

His eyes seemed dark, empty and restless as if something had suck the emerald green life out of them. His body seemed uncomfortable and his normal smirk wasn’t plastered on his face. Though he still managed to make my feelings for him shine bright like the Vegas lights.

“I asked you a question.” I murmured, somewhat hoping that he didn’t hear it. But then he replied as if he didn’t hear a word I just said.

“Fartknocker?”  He questioned facing the wall, his hand still in his hair.

“Yes” I answered “an ass,  idiot, douche, jerk-”

“I don’t need your definitions Violet.”  He said abruptly turning his back who was first facing me to the wall. Now that he was in front of me I could see he was really tired, not just tired of not having little sleep, but really tired.

And for only one moment he reminded me of the old man I always saw sitting on the bench on the left side of the park. I always wondered where his wife was when I was younger, but now I realised. Each day he was present to feed the ducks, not a day he had missed.

The sergeant’s lonely posture was the exact same as that man, almost as if they were the same person.

“Well you asked-” I wanted to snap back at him, remembering he basically kidnapped me into his cabin. But I didn’t want to cause my chaos and dropped it.

“Why did you bring me here?” I wanted to restate my words and replace ‘bring’ by ‘kidnap’ but unfortunately the words had already left my mouth.

“I didn’t fix up your chin yet”

“And why do you bother?”

“Because for a change, I care.” He snapped leaping over with large steps over to the other side of the cabin where he grabbed from his desk.

I quickly locked my lips together, preventing that I would say another thing. When he snatched it of his desk he leaped back over to me and sat next to me. I was still lying on his bed but unsure why so I sat up straight using my hands as a support.

“Look up” he demanded and I did as he said. 

He rubbed the slimy substance on  my chin, slightly rubbing it in. The sour taste entered my nose and the burning sensation of the ointment, made me tense slightly.

“Does it hurt?” He asked lowly, looking down at the tube as he wiped off some more and against my face. Again the almost-acid-burning feeling hit me.

“No” I lied. He shook his head and stood up to wash the ointement off his hands before returning the tube back into the box where it belonged.

“Do you do this often?”

“What” He questioned looking up from the box and turning to face me.

“Taking students back into your cabin.” He seemed to think for a minute.

“Never.” He answered.

“So I’m special?” I asked, not realy expecting a serious answer. He walked over to me and sitting down again after he had paced back and forth again, this time his muscles less tense than before.

“You are. Just not as special as me.” The familiar grin appeared on his face, making my heart jump inside my ribcage.

“Was that you trying to flirt?” I chuckled, playfully jabbing my ellbow in his arm.

“Maybe” He said turning his face towards me, suddenly he was closer than before.

“I didn’t know you were capable of flirting” I whispered, not looking away but neither did he.

“There are many things you don’t know about me” He spoke lowly and our noises touched and just when his lips were going to touch mine I pulled back.

“You can’t keep doing this” I whispered

“I can’t?” He answered confused, his eyebrows in a frown.

“You can’t just keep kissing me like that.” I said throwing my hand through my hair. “You always mix things up.”

I mix things up?” He exclaimed. “Damn it Violet, you have been in my life for only what? Like 17 days and you keep up taking my mind constantly. You and your stupid attitude seem to haunt me and there’s something about you which I can’t take off my mind.

I keep on coming back for more from you, but it obvious that you don’t want that. You keep kissing me constantly but the second after you tell me you’re not interested. Is it something I did wrong, because if I need to change myself to be with you, I’ll do it.”

A long silence followed, in which none of us knew what to say. He scooped closer to me and took my hand before continuing to talk to me.

“What do you want Violet, because I’m tired of trying to figure it out. You want a bigger cabin? I’ll fix it for you with Mr Chilton. You want me to change or you don’t want me to change. What do you want? I know what I want, because I have her in my hands right now. Do you? Do you know what you want? Because you better tell me now.”

“I-” I started out, but there was nothing that could fit my feelings at this time. At one side my heart was bursting out with joy and happiness but on the other side I felt miserable and sad.

“I want you” I choked out before breaking out into tears and slamming myself into his arms.

“I want you” I repeated over and over again as my tears almost drowned his sergeant suit.

“I really really really want you” I murmured as he finally enclosed his large arms around my body and embraced me with passion.

“I need you” He whispered back.

“I really really really need you.”

The chapter you all have been waiting for has finally arrived. I hope you like the way it all turned out, but don't worry this is far from the end of this book (literally I'm planning to make loads more of chapters). 


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