chapter twenty four

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“Violet” I turned on my heel in the dirty ground. I recognised the voice and it made me want to puke with anxiety. I hummed letting him know that I was listening.

“I have bee-” I cut him off in the middle of his sentence, which was probably rude.

“You know I have a training in a few minutes. I should get going, see you later!” I waved him off for the second time this morning, leaving him yet again confused.

He murmured something under his breath which wasn’t clear enough for me to understand so I decided to ignore it. I took a deep breath knowing that it was not okay to ignore him like this, and believe me, I feel bad about it.

But it’s just his kisses made me weak on my knees, and he made me feel so wonderful like fireworks on New Year’s Eve but again it made me full of anxiety. I was and still am scared, I’ve never felt something like this in my life.

Of course, I’ve had my fair share of boyfriends, most of them only lasting a week or so, because apparently I was not ‘interesting enough’.

Wait let me restate that, I was interesting enough. It’s just that my life wasn’t. Who would want a girlfriend working at the movies selling old popcorn anyway.

But the truth is, I am not scared, I am terrified. Terrified of being broken just like my mom was when she heard the news of my dad.

And I really want to talk to him, I really want to, but I just can’t.

‘Training in ten minutes for the group of Sergeant Styles’ A calm voice echoed through the speakers, hanging all around the camp.

After the announcement a piercing noise escaped through the machine, making everyone quickly place their hands on their ears, trying to block the noise. As soon as the sound was over everyone straightened themselves and went on in doing what they were doing.

I decided to walk to the training area immediately since it would at least take me five minutes to get there, and if I have any luck Agnes and Melissa will be there so I can quickly catch up with them.

The feet of mine walked in muddy ground slightly covered gravel until I reached the training ground, which was a large area of at least 300 metres in width and length.

When you reached the end of the field, there was a path on which you could reach the woods where I had my first tree climbing test. I grimaced at the thought of what happened at the woods, I still remembered the words. Numb and unstable he had called me.

I remember slapping him and red mark my hand left on his precious face. I remember him tightening his hands around my wrist later that afternoon telling me never to talk like that to him again.

“Violet” I heard a cheery voice call me over and I recognised Agnes standing against one of the near trees. I have her a wave and jogged over to her, saving my energy for the rest of the day.

“Where were you?” I asked her, remembering she was absent this morning.

“I was just talking to one of the other camp boys” She said, an obvious smirk taking over her pink lip-glosses lips.

“So what’s up with you and Brad,” She asked. “you two seem kind of absent? Did something happen with you two?”

“No” I snapped “nothing happened”

Her mouth fell silent and I realised it wasn’t right to snap at her like that “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have.” I looked down

Just before she was about to answer another voice roared and I realised all of the other group members had surrounded us without noticing it earlier.

“Today’s training will be exhausting,” he started and already you could hear the sighs from the group. “But it will be new to you!” He said exclaiming with his hands that he was exciting. He pointed us out that we had to follow him and we all did as he asked.

We eventually ended up at many wooden blocks all put together to form ab obstacle course. There were a few elements, one of them being as he explained the low wall.

He then explained us how to handle each of the obstacles and told us to form one long row, I ended up somewhere in the end of the row. He blew his flute and the first person ran off to start to the course.

“I forgot to tell you” his hoarse voice caught my attention, I recognised it from somewhere. “this will also be part of your final exam course you have to take, as well as the water endurance and tree climbing.”

Some mumbled and she second one ran off to start the obstacle course. This time the sergeant followed the person to tell them by the minute that they should be stronger and ask them what even they were doing at this boot camp.

Soon it was my turn, I received a few nudges from the people behind me wishing me good luck with their whistling unsteady breaths from the course.

I first reached the low wall, which was supposed to train the strength of you upper limbs. I could hear heavy footsteps behind me signalling that the sergeant walked along with my to bash me about what I did wrong.

“You can do it” He whispered softly besides me. I stopped with what I was doing, looking at him. I rolled my eyes and jumped off the wall as soon as I reached the top. A sight of relieve came over me, knowing that I had already finished one of the obstacles.

The stepping stones were the ones I reached next and I quickly leaped from one to another as I could already feel my breath getting unsteady.

“Why are you doing this?”


“Not bashing on me for doing something wrong”

“Because you’re doing it right” He nodded at me as I sighed running for another obstacle.

I reached the rubble obstacle, which first made you climb on a rather low wall and then duck down under a piece of stele. This repeated about four times before I was again done with another obstacle.

I quickly ran through the tunnel, trying to get over with it as soon as possible.

“And now the real reason you’re being nice to me” I asked him in a few breaths already exhausted.

I ran through the dodging panels and pulled myself up onto the low rope. I could see the next person starting the course and jumped down off the low rope, already feeling my arms and shoulders aching.

“I can be nice, you know” he told me without any emotion.

I leaped onto the balance bridge, trying not to fall off, as soon as I succeeded I ran over to the next obstacle and was able to see the finish line.

I ran up and down the apex ladder with a high speed, causing me to almost fall but I luckily could steady myself.

“That’s a new thing then” I muttered as my feet sprinted over the finish.

Um well hi, this is sort of a filler I guess? I know I haven't uploaded last week but I was literally so busy busy busy and had to do a lot of exams, but luckily I now have a week off of school and will probably have the chance to write more often.

Also I apologise for any grammar / tenses mistakes because I am not English (or anything near that lol).

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