chapter fifty one

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I lay on Brad’s bed, my feet high up in the air so that I could see my little white socks sticking up in the air. I breathed out heavily, thinking about how missing three days of training could be bad.

Of course, it would influence my test results and final exam, but I didn’t bother me as much. I could catch up in a few days, at least that’s what I used to do in high school. The thought of high school kept nagging me at the back of my mind.

I wonder what I was going to the next few days. Sleeping, writing in my diary and probably hang out with Brad, since he was in the same situation.

“Vee” I heard someone moan from next to me. Brad was lying next to me, in the same position with his feet in the air.


“I have a present.” He said soft, though he was not whispering.

“You shouldn’t have had.” I cooed sitting up, looking at him. While I moved my hands to straighten myself, they brushed over Brad’s. Without paying too much attention to it, I leaned my back into the white all.

“I stole it from my dad’s office, don’t get too happy about it.” He smiled reaching his hand over the bed and rummaging through his back until he found it, and lifting it up.

In his hand he held two very black looking objects. A little bit above the middle, there was a little a screen lit up with several numbers on it, underneath there were small buttons to push on; a walky-talky.

“This just makes me think that you’re planning something.”

“What makes you think that?”

“A walky-talky?” I asked, he nodded.

“We can contact each other now at all times, and it has extra-long service. So if you’re at one side of the camp, and I’m at the other; we can still communicate.”

“You’re a genius.” I squealed, and hugged him while he was still laying down and I was sitting up. It was an uncomfortable hug, so he sat up and we hugged again.

“Keep it hidden though, we don’t want Mr Styles to blow a fuse.” He said. Every time someone brought up Harry it made me feel a little sad, but as they days flew by, it never made me less sad than the previous day.

It was always the same missing. But I wasn’t letting in, he had said some harsh stuff to me, and he was bipolar as hell. Not if there was something wrong with being bipolar. Everything just seemed wrong with Harry.

“Are you thinking about that douche again?”

“Yes.” I sighed, there was no point in lying. “Did you know he brushes his teeth under the shower?”

“Is there something wrong with that? I happen to do so too.” He chuckled, ruffling my hair. I pushed his hands away threw my hand into my hair to tame it down a bit.

“It’s just-” I whispered, not sure what it was.

“You still like him.” He murmured, slowly crouching back down again in the bed.

“I don’t know.” I spoke. “I sort of miss him but I don’t want him back.” I said. “Too much has happened.”

“C’mon Violet, there’s no time for faking, you still love him.” He said, keeping his eyes straight forward.

“I don’t know Brad.” I sighed, laying back down too, but keeping my feet on the bed. “It’s like he’s the melody and I’m just the background noise.”

“What do you mean?”

“Everything I seem to do is for his wellbeing.”

“But isn’t that what love is.” Brad asked, carefully glancing at me.

“Not if it hurts.” I sighed. “It hurts so bad Brad” I moaned, covering my face with my hands, trying to supress the tears from falling down my red cheeks to my chin.

Soon his hand tugged me towards his chest and he held me close. I felt safe.

Being with Harry was self-destructive. Every minute with him made me feel unsecure and treacherous. It hurt being with him; but it hurt even more being without him. There was no way I was going to figure this out.

“It’s all right, it’ll all fall in place.” I nudged my hips making me smile. I was glad that he was there for me.

“I hope.” I sighed. I felt so numb, staring at the wall. The past few days, it didn’t hit me so hard, I was used to being separated from a loved one; it would usually take weeks before it actually hit me. And it had.

“I know.” He said. “Just don’t let him walk over you like that, he said some pretty mean stuff to you.” He admitted. I nodded, glad that I had a great friend like Brad.

“You’ll have to talk to him at some point.”

“No. I don’t.” I lied. “Why are you pushing me to make up with him.”

“I’m not pushing you to make up with him! Please no. I just want to see you happy.” He said. “As long as you’re happy.” He whispered.

“You’re cute Brad.” I smiled. “But I’m confused.”

“So am I.”

short chapter but i have stuff to do so yeah, i know where i'm taking this story it's just that i can't decide which boy is better for her urgh (leave your twitter handles in the comments, i want to follow you all)

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