chapter six

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The thundering noise echoed through the darkness. I didn't bother to open my eyes but I turned my back to the very annoying sound. I could hear murmuring around and under me but I couldn't care less to open my eyes. I let out a loud moan and made myself comfortable into the unusual bed. 

I had spent most of the previous night twisting and turning my blankets, as well as my mind, into knots. Soon my eyes closed again, by the sound of many feet walking on the ground.I welcomed the unknown again, without fully realizing where I was. For one moment I really thought I was in my warm and cosy bed on a Sunday. Sleeping in all day, with the smell of my mother's fresh bread smouldering throughout the corridors. 


A light shone brightly into my face, I rubbed them hoping that would make the brightness that was burning on my retina fade away. I sighed deeply, feeling the sleepiness almost take me over again. It must be some strange nightmare.

The light did not disappear, and I heard the grumble of a deep voice near my ear. My eyes shot open, and the memories of yesterday shot back to me. The Sergeant's faced gleamed close to me, and his plump lips were parted as he yelled at me to get up.

"Hurry! There's a fire!" he yelled out, his hands flailing. My whole system turned around, and I threw myself out of bed. I was still entangled in last night's thinking session, as were my legs. I tried to untangle myself from the many blankets I had rolled myself into last night while I tried to locate the source of fire and associated smoke in my near sight. My feet dangled to the floor and soon after a shot of pain shot through my ankle. I fell to the ground and quickly got up, but the aching was almost too much to bear.

Still, with fear injected in every inch of my veins, I came to a composed conclusion that there was no fire or smoke to be seen anywhere near me.

I quickly turned on the foot that was still cooperative, and desperately screamed at him, dragging my ankle behind me. "Where? Where is it?" I yelled out. Slowly, but surely, the shock and scare on his face turned into a smirk as with slow ease he took a few steps back. 

"What fire?" He innocently asked, batting his eyes evilly. Anger took over me, was he really going to leave me alone in this building without telling me where to go when a fire was going on? Quite tardy, my mind put the puzzle pieces together.  No I- unless there wasn't a fire going on all along. That douche really made me believe there was a fire going on.

I dragged myself back to my own bed still with a sprained ankle, trying to figure out what had happened. I glanced over to the big clock which hung in the very middle of the high walls that the room held.

8 am.

"Has the princess received enough sleep and rest? Should I tell the cooks to make her favourite breakfast and for her personal assistant to take her through her tasks of today." His deep morning voice gleefully commented. My heart accelerated as I realized that only one day in, I had managed to royally f up by sleeping in. And he thought it was funny to make me believe there was a fire to get me up and going as quickly as possible.

"Meet us at the square in 1 minute." He speedily noted and gave me one displeased glance. Whilst he turned around I got a good look at his hair, which seemed comically cheerful in comparison to his mood. It whipped back and forth and up and down as he took long strides towards the door. With one brisk movement, he closed the door, harder than he normally would have.

I glanced back at the big old brown door and angrily threw a shoe against it. I speeded towards my suitcase and threw on the suit we were given yesterday.

My ankle still hurt very terribly but I decided not to pay much attention to it, maybe that would make the pain more bearable. I picked up the shoe I earlier threw towards the door and threw it back into the direction of my bed.

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