chapter thirty

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“Are you crying?” He quietly breathed out into my neck as he held me tightly. In nodded my head as it was placed on his chest. My tears were smeared all over it, I reminded myself to apologize later on.

“Why are you crying?” He asked again, removing his head from my shoulder and pushing me off his chest. He moved his hand to my chin and pushed it upwards, forcing me to look at him.

My swollen and red eyes looked straight into his green ones. I fluttered my eyes close and sighed.

“I don’t know” I said opening my eyes again.

“How do you manage to look even gorgeous when you’re crying.” He sighed pulling me back for a hug. His arms stretched out and connected again when they were around my body. I nuzzled my head back into his chest again, hoping that it would protect me from the outer world.

“Go to bed” He said as I finally pulled back after the minute-lasting hug. I was about to question him.

“You’re tired and absolutely enervated, I can see it” I looked at him and nodded, knowing that it was probably better. I needed to clear my mind for a bit.

I stood up waving him goodbye and walking up to the door.

“Wait” He yelled and stood up too running towards me. When he reached me he looked down on me with a smile and placed a small kiss on the top of my head which made me smile.

“Goodnight” He whispered, leading me towards the door and opening it for me.

“Goodnight” I smiled back, turning my back to him and strolling over to my own cabin. The sun was just about to go down. It didn’t influence the weather in any way, it was cold already. I zipped up my military suit and speeded up to the cabin before the shivers could get to me.

My hand reached for my chin, on which there was still a small bruise from scraping it against the ground.

“There she is!” I heard someone yell as I opened the door. I closed it accidently with a loud bang, making everyone jump. I spun on my heal to be greeted by Agnes and Melissa.

“Here I am” I said pointing at myself at walking over to them, giving them a small wave.

“Where have you been?” They exclaimed climbing down their beds. Agnes crashed her toe against the bed and grunted out in pain, and she too, spoke out a few not so colourful words.

My mind suddenly jumped into anxiety, fear and stress. I couldn’t tell them, could I. “I was looking for you Agnes, you were gone again.”

“She returned like five minutes after you went out to look for here. Have you been looking for her all the time?” Melissa asked with disbelieve, I felt bad for lying to them.

“Yes” I spoke. “Yes I have”

“But that still hasn’t answered the question why you were gone again?” I said turning to Agnes and frowning, knowing she was holding something back. But I couldn’t be mad at her, she was not the only one with secrets.

Melissa and Agnes exchanged grinning expressions. “She was with one of the boys.” Melissa told me while she sat down on the bed. Me and Agnes followed her like lost dogs and sat down too.

“One of the boys?” I asked for clarification.

“One of the boys from the other side of the camp.” Agnes said winking to me, and I knew exactly what I meant.

“Agnes!” I yelled out bursting into a laughing fit. “You could have told us.” I giggled out continuing laughing, but receiving confused stares from Agnes and Melissa.

“Why are you laughing” Melissa asked. “We all know you have been hanging out with that Bradley boy too.” I stopped laughing.

“Bradley boy?” I asked, giggling again.

“Yes. Tall, blonde hair, brown eyes, I’m sure you’ve seen him before.”

“Yes, but it’s nothing, we’re just friends.” I said, but my mind kept playing flash backs of earlier today.

How he couldn’t stop to ramble on and I stopped him by smashing my lips into his. The way his lips almost seemed to play tricks on me. The way he held my waist strongly against his body the whole time and how I ruffled my hands through his hair.

I became noxious of the thought. Not that he wasn’t attractive, but somehow it felt like betrayal to Harry. I can’t tell him, what would he do to Brad if I told him minutes before we got together I made out up with Brad. I’m sure Bradley won’t get away unharmed if that happened.

“Just friends?” They asked for clarification.

“Just friends” I reassured them. I was about to tell the girls I was going to bed but before the first word could fall off my lips, there was a knock on the door. I sighed rolling over my bed, pulling myself up and walking over to the door.

But before I put the weight on my feet, somebody else had already reached the door and opened it. I rolled back onto my bed but kept listening to the murmurs at the door.

“Violet, can you come over?” I turned my face and nodded. I jogged over with my arms swinging next to my body. My facial expression changed to surprised when I realised who was at the door.

“Har-” I was about to say but quickly corrected myself. “Mr Styles?”

“How can I help you?” I asked as neutral as possible, not trying to give anything away to my fellow camp members.

“I received a letter for you and I forgot to hand it to you at your training.” One of his hands reached behind his back and a white-as-sheet envelop appeared.

“Thank you” I said, remembering that I asked him if he could get it quickly delivered for me, and he did it.

He came closer after looking around if no one was looking in particular and let his hot breath dance onto my ear. “Goodnight Violet”

“Girls” He stepped away and nodded at the girls as if he was saying goodbye to them.

“Goodnight Mr Styles” They said in union and he left. I almost couldn’t contain my excitement as I walked back. I tried to hold in, but there was no way of hiding a large smile that was playing on my lips.

“What was that about?” One of the women asked.

“I got a letter back from my mom.” I said, hoping they wouldn’t question.

“It’s not even letter day” Another one said raising an eyebrow.

Almost as if Melissa sensed something she yawned and said “I am so tired, I think I’m going to bed. Goodnight girls.” The woman dropped the subject eventually and we agreed to all go to bed.

I quickly changed into my pyjamas, brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a pony tail. I crept into the bed and pulled the sheet over my body.

“Violet?” I heard Melissa whisper after a few minutes, guessing that everyone was asleep.

“Yes?” I answered, listening closely to the silence until a reply followed.

“You’re in a strangely good mood today”

“I know” I said smiling, and turning my back to them as the lights got turned off by one of the girls. I sure did have a good day.

Military Love » Harry StylesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz