chapter forty eight

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With tired eyes and messed up hair all the boys threw their belongings into the bags whilst I was trying to take down one of the tents. With hurried yells and the birds screeching up in the sky, the silence that was there before, had completely disappeared.

My hands struggled with trying to get the tent to the ground when I suddenly found someone helping me. Brad.

“And?” he whispered excitedly.

“And what?” I asked, already knowing what he was asking about a few seconds later.

“You and mister lover boy.” He grinned, finally succeeding into pinning the tent to the ground, he was breathing heavily sweat drops trickling down his forehead.

“Well he thought we were dating.” I chuckled, trying to fold the tent as quick as possible.

“Ouch.” He said.

“He then thought we were brother and sister.” I laughed even harder while running the tent towards the car.

“That didn’t turn out as I expected it would.” He shrugged following my tracks and once everyone was packed up we jumped into the car, rushing off to the camp.

“Why are we in a hurry anyway?” Matt asked once we all sat in the car. “We’re late anyways.” He spoke and everyone fell silent.

“We might as well get some ice cream!” Brad yelled like a four year old, but I slapped his arm.

“Brad no! We have to get back to the camp.” I whisper-shouted madly. “What is wrong with you all.” I said being pissed off. I can only imagine how mad Harry is going to be.

 “Get off.” He simply said. I turned around confused to Brad, it was hard, since that I was sitting on his lap. He got the attention of all the boys, except for the one who was driving

“Excuse me?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Get off my lap.” He simply said. “I don’t want a pissed-off Violet on my lap.” He shrugged turning his head away from me, sighing and looking out of the window at the landscape –which mainly existed out of woods.

“What am I supposed to do?” I asked. “Sit on the ground?”

“If you’d like to.” He groaned. “As long as you just leave my lap.”

“Thanks.” I mumbled, slightly disappointed in him. Early this morning we had this great connection and now he was everything but nice. I tried to get myself out of his lap, making sure that I pushed hard so that his legs would hurt.

“Damn you Violet.” He simply said, giving my back a soft push. That together with the car suddenly coming to an abrupt stop caused me to crash forward.

“It’s not like you had to push me.” I moaned, rubbing my head which banged against the car seat in front of me. He just ignored me, and I had nowhere to go. At least, that’s what I thought.

“You can sit on my lap, if you’d like.” Matt said, his voice slightly cracking making me grin.

“Yeah sure, thanks Matt.” I smiled at him and crawled over to his seat, on the other side of the car. Sitting down in his lap.

Immediately his hands encircled my waist meeting each other on my lap. A blush crept on my face and I couldn’t help but smile.

“I’m sorry for thinking that you and Brad were brother and sister.” He whispered in my ear. “You actually look alike a bit.”

“Really?” He nodded.

“It’s okay.” I smiled. “Did you really find me attractive?” I whispered back, and again an uncomfortable shade of red spread across my cheeks.

“I surely still do.” He chuckled, his laugh tickled against my ear. I couldn’t stop myself from getting comfortable in his lap, resting my back against his torso whilst he rested his chin upon my shoulder.

“I’d like to get to know you Violet.” He said, without anyone else hearing it. They were all too busy with chatting to each other, including Brad who happily chatted along.

“Ask me something then.” I smiled, pushing my head backwards and rolling my eyes up so that I could see his face from upside down.

“Where are you from?”

“I’m from Denver, Colorado. You?”

“Little Rock, Arkansas.” He told me, his mellow voice melting my insides.

“Would you choose a thousand dollars over a free trip?” He asked. The question strung me like a bee. It was an interesting thought. I had never gone on a real vacation, if you don’t count Disney World and a trip to my grand –mother and –father who live on the other side of the country.

“No. I would most definitely choose the trip.”


“Because I’ve never really travelled.” I whispered. We were supposed to go to Europe after my dad came back from his duty, but then he never did, and the idea was thrown off the planner.

“Never?” He exclaimed, causing a few boys’ heads to turn from each other towards us.

“We’ll be there in two minutes.” The man driving announced.

“You never travelled?” He asked again, as if it was the strangest thing ever.

“If you don’t count Disney World Florida. Then no” I said shrugging. I guess it doesn’t matter that much, since I don’t know what I’m missing out on. Maybe traveling is horrible. I expect it to be at least stressful.

“You don’t know what you’re missing out!” He whispered excitedly. “The adrenaline rush of flying high up in the clouds, feeling like you’re on top of the world. The jolting feeling of having a new money currency in your hands. And the pleasure of getting to know new cultures.”

“I take it that you love traveling?” I chuckle.

“More than anything.” He smiled. “It’s one of the reasons I want to be part of the military.”

“Wow.” I breathed out, resting my head on top of his chest, listening closely to his heartbeat.

I definitely was one to rush into relationships. But how can something be wrong when it feels so right.

“I’m going to take you one time.” He whispered. “One day.” He smiled, looking down on me, crinkles forming under his eyes from pleasure.

“To where?” I asked curiously.

“To Europe.” He stated. “After this boot camp is over; I’m going to take you to Europe and show you the wonders of traveling.”

not much happened in this chapter but i felt like uploading so yeah.

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