chapter thirty four

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After the training in the gym me and Brad were talking about how his training went after I left the cabin. He told me his sergeant got pissed off at him and made the whole group run twenty extra laps around the camp, causing me to burst out in laughter.

My lips however formed a straight line when Harry called us all to gather at where he was stood. We all huddled closely together, when I looked behind me there was Brad standing in the corner waiting for the speech to be over.

I turned my face again to be stared at by the rest of the group, but only a pair of angry green eyes really caught my attention.

“Yeah?” he asked for me permission to start talking again. I quickly nodded and followed the rest of the group with the rest of group by staring at him whilst he talked with sweat that was trickling down his forehead. I was still mad at him for shamelessly flirting with the other girls.

Salty sweat was also trickling down my face into my eyes, they were stung by mixture of salty sweat and running facial moisturizer I put on this morning. I quickly blinked a few times hoping that the stinging pain would soon disappear.

“Good job for this morning, have a bit of free time before lunch starts.” He instructed us, but his envious eyes never left my pale ones. I tore my glance away from him when the words fell off his lips and jogged over to Brad.

“Vivi, I had this idea maybe we can-” said Brad but I interrupted him.

“Vivi?” I questioned him, trying to hide the massive beam playing on my lips.

“What, we’re friends now. Friends are supposed to give each other nicknames.” He said chuckling as we together walked towards the door.

“But still, Vivi? Can’t you call me something badass. A name which will sting into your memory?” I questioned him.

“What like Viola?” He smirked, tugging my hair which was high up into a pony tail. I smacked his hands off my hair.

“Maybe Letti” he grinned and I smacked his arm.

“Or you could just call me Violet.” I suggest but he grunted.

“That’s the weirdest thing I have ever heard of, stop being ridiculous.” He rolled his eyes and escorted me further to the door.

“What about Vee, that’s a good one.” I pulled the door open and the cold breeze hit my face, seeming to slash right through me.

“Vee,” I tasted the name in my mouth a few times. I liked it. “I like it”

“Great, Vee it is.” He smirked trying to tug my hair again just to irritate me. I turned my face, captured his hand and pinched it.

“I swear to-” I got caught off by a voice booming right through mine.

“Violet, can I speak to you for a moment.” A voice from behind me spoke, snatching my wrist into his hands. I recognised the voice as Harry’s. “Alone.” He added eyeing Bradley who was standing right next to me.

I turned around and saw the familiar mob of curls pushed backwards with a bandana. His forehead was still full of sweat and his cheeks were rose-coloured.

“Actually I was just about to-” Brad said grabbing my other wrist and pulling me towards him. Harry didn’t expect it because he let go of me when the force pulled me into Brad’s chest. I clumsily stood straight again.

“Nobody cares what you were about to do.” He snapped cutting him off. “Why don’t you go to your side of the camp and hang around with your frat friends” He smiled sweetly with a slight evilness to it.

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