chapter sixty three (BRAD ENDING)

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He walked over to me, his strides long as usual. His chapped but plumb lips parted as he breathed slight puffs of steam into the cold night air. He was silent, regarding me when he stopped and leaned against the street light.

The light illuminated his best features greatly. His long lashes seemed to slice through the dark circles under his eyes. But there was a light in his eyes. His posture was laid back and relaxed as he leaned.

It had been long since he'd seem so relaxed. He seemed like a whole new person.

A brown curl slowly fell in front of his eyes, and he smiled. With one hand he held his leather coat and with the other he pulled his curl back to the mob of his hair. I felt the sudden urge to run, but his stare kept me nailed to the ground.

My lips parted to say something, but no sound formed on my lips. Only the pathetic sound of my cold lips bumping against each other. His smile turned into a frown and he neared me. Slowly, as time slowed down on him.

He threw his coat over his shoulder, like only he could. The ends of lips turned into a smirk and it all felt familiar. He was so close that she could almost feel him against me. I wanted to grasp him, and pull him even closer. But something was stopping me.

He neared me, his lips dangerously close to mine.

"Violet," his strong voice seemed to echo in the blackness of her heart and I felt herself becoming a puddle and falling into his arms. I could not speak nor move. Even if I knew what to say, my voice was still mute.

I could only watch him. I could only absorb all of him. I could only remember every little detail of his face. He was so close that I could feel the warm breath that came out of between his chapped lips on my cheek.

I lifted her neck and he kissed it. It was a soft butterfly kiss and I closed her eyes. It was wonderful and magical. But it could not be. We could not be.


I woke from my dream. Exhausted despite the ten hours sleep I got. I tried to ignore it, I tried so hard.


It was the morning after and I woke up feeling giddy. Brad's hand had been laying on my waist while I laid curled up with my head against his beating heart. That same beat gave me trouble sleeping last night. Each beat I was reminded how lucky I was, how wonderful life was and what I did to get so lucky.

The dream did not disappear from the back of my hand, it seemed almost tattooed on my eyeballs. I could smell the familiar scent of Harry, and everything felt strange. My heart did not skip a beat as it did when I first thought of him. But there was no doubt that he was still a sensitive subject.

Brad luckily did not notice because he was still sound asleep. I knew he'd make a big deal out of it when he knew what I'd dreamed of, so I decided to keep it to myself for a while. My warm feet touched the ice cold air which lacked floor heating and whilst wincing I tiptoed over to my door.

We'd spend the rest of our days celebrating Christmas with our families. It was good. But somehow the image of Harry throwing his leather jacket over his white-shirted torso couldn't be swept out of my mind.

I quickly tried to distract myself with giving my mother a kiss on her cheek and helping her prepare breakfast. Brad and I got here a few days ago, and finally my mom properly met Bradley. Sadly, today Brad will return home to travel with his parents to see his grandparents.

I didn't want to disturb any of their family time and decided to turn off the offer to come along. Brad's mother seemed distressed and overheated from all the work. She'd tried to wave it away when I mentioned it when I left. But I could see the holiday left her feeling exhausted.

A few minutes  later breakfast was served and I tiptoed back up to my room to see Brad still sleeping. I softly walked over to him, the tiles under my feet creaking as I went.

His back was turned to me and I could see his broad shoulders pushing the skin that covered him outwards. His head laid on his arm as he softly snored. The view was wonderfully beautiful.

"Brad" I mused with a singing voice softly, hoping it would wake him.

"Bradley" I joked again, he did not move an inch. I sighed, the last few days I discovered that Brad is a heavy sleeper. I swear you could hire a brass band to play the loudest song next to his bed and he still refused to wake up.

"You're living me no choice Bradley James Chilton." He slightly moved his body when he heard his full name roll of my lips, but he was still positioned with his back towards me. His shoulder blade poked out even more and it was strangely attractive.

This time I did not do my best to be silent but jumped over to my bed in which he laid. I stood with my shins against the bed and slung my body of his. His body was awfully warm and only his lower body was hid on the sheets showing of his extremely muscular body. He'd been training.

And then I jumped. I jumped so that my weight made him roll down on his back. I laid down on his stomach and he slowly opened his eyes.

"I should've know that dating you would mean that I'd get woken up in a new way every morning." He smiled, stretching his arms and yawning. The sight was adorable. His messed up hair everywhere and his hazy eyes all over the place, like a confused bunny.

"You should've known indeed." He cupped my face and placed a small kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes, turning my head so that my ear was against his heart beat. I felt one with him.

 "Just remember I'm fully naked under these sheets." He whispered in my ear seductively causing my to slap his rather muscular arm. He ruined the perfectly romantic moment.

"Can you please get your naked butt out of this bed and go down stairs. My mom prepared breakfast for us."

"You mean I should go down naked and face you mother."

"No!" I giggled. "I mean you should get dressed and then go down. It should be a logical step for a 19 year old." He smiled at me brightly and poked my sides until I begged for him to stop.

"What's the magic word?" He asked.

"Bradisanidiotandheshouldgetdressed." I sputtered through my laughing fits.

"No," he smirked, "I'm afraid that's wrong." And he continued to tickle me until I couldn't breathe and was shaking my hands in the air to free myself from him. He continued.

"Try 'Bradissoamazingandiwanthimtobemineforeverbecauseofhislucioushairandamazingjokes'." He said, evilly laughing.

"No!" I gasped for air, my lungs begging for some new oxygen. I could feel myself getting high on fun. "I will never surrender." I moved my hands towards his on my hips and tried to remove them.

"Oh but darling, don't you think for a second that you're stronger than me." And with one movement he stopped tickling me and sat up straight so that I was on his lap facing him. His breath tickled my earlobe and he kissed it. Suddenly the mood turned from fun and games to romance and passion.

In a slow pattern he moved from my ear to my cheek to the end of my lip. I begged for the sensation of his lips on mine. But he teased me. Right when I thought he'd kiss me on the lips, he moved back to my ear and whispered.

"I am fucking in love with you."


I wanted to bring attention to the fact that people have been stealing my ideas and my book covers. I will not tolerate this. I spend a lot of time in thinking of plots and book covers. IF I FIND YOU STEALING MY STUFF I SWEAR ILL FSKDFDSFKJL;

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