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This chapter is from a third person point of view. Not edited.

Third person-

There are movies where the protagonist meets the person they love after a couple of years and the emotions are overwhelming. Many times we feel it is nothing but melodrama but if we put ourselves in their place we might just understand how they feel. Right now Alex was sitting in the waiting lounge of the lavish hospital. She knew that Jeremy had taken care of her sister and she couldn't feel more happy knowing that she was going to meet her today. She tapped her feet impatiently as beads of sweat trickled down her face even though she was sitting in an air-conditioned room. 

"Slow down there" Ethan said as he looked at her all nervous as if she was going to give a test. He knew how excited she was to meet her and he was happy that he was forgiven by both the sisters.

"Why are they taking so long" Alex said as she stood up and started pacing up and down the hall.

"They are here" Ethan said and she swirled around to look at the door and Jeremy coming out from there and a petite figure following him.

"Ethan you did not have to come back-" Kelly said but froze when she saw Alex standing beside him. She could feel hundreds of emotions run throughout her body, happiness, and shock being the most prominent. Tears welled up in both the sisters' eyes as Alex ran up to her and hugged her. Neither Alex nor Kelly could believe what they saw.

"You are alive" Kelly said

"So are you" Alex said and both of them smiled at each other.

"Thanks to you. If you would not have left me then we both would have died" Kelly said with a hint of mischievousness in her eyes." But we would have met in heaven" Alex said

"Hey! what would happen to us then" Ethan and Jeremy spoke together and all four of them laughed. They all went to Jeremy's home. Both Kelly and Alex did not talk about their conditions because they both always understood each other without even talking.

"I did not know you would make this big Jeremy" Alex said as they reached his house

"All because of you Alex" He said and hugged her

"Excuse me *cough* I am still here" Ethan said 

"Dude she is like my sister" Jeremy said " and anyways my heart belongs to only one" He continued and kissed Kelly

"And I am not yours Mr. Young" Alex said 

"Yes not yet" He said "But soon will be" He continued and took her by surprise and kissed her

"All's well that ends well" Alex said

"Well that definitely ended well" Kelly said and they all shared a group hug.

So much for being a cold-hearted, Alex again returned to her old innocent self. Kelly was same as before and now they looked forward to another day with hope for a brighter future not bloodier future.



Author's Note:

I am literally crying right now.... kidding I am not. Hope you loved this book and thanks for being a part of the journey. 

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