Chapter 7

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A/N: Just like Fire by Pink.

Alex's POV:

Life looks like sometimes it does give you a second chance, for all I know right now is that life definitely has seen me as one of the contenders. After what I had done in my academics, I was sure I would feel a big shock and I felt it, but thanks to mom she was there for me consoling me, telling me that I could fix it and now I am ready to fix my mistakes. Ready for coming years. Oh what would I have done if I did not have her by my side

Love Alex

I still remember the day when I had started writing diaries though I was not able to keep it updated most of the time. I was sad because of certain mischief I had done, along with bad grades and a call to my parents worsened it, and that's when writing started. Mom came to me and encouraged me. And right now sitting in the park and watching a family play reminded me of the old memories. The little memories I had with my parents. The way they use to pick me up and everything felt so beautiful. Back then it was like every moment there was sun shining. Kelly and I had decided to take a small tour of the town and here we were in a park, sitting on a bench, looking at a family play. The voice of the girl giggling filled all around the place, the smile on her hearts so warming. 

"Please never space out on me, did you even hear what I said?" Kelly said breaking me out of my trip down the memory lane.

"I didn't space out on you, I was just thinking about ways to help Laura" I lied while shuffling my hair behind my ears.

Well, we did like the coffee smell and the visuals of the cakes on the table which as per Laura, were so referred to as the gems of her cafe. We believed she deserved more than what she got.

"Oh Oh Oh Oh I have got an idea. I have I have it I have it..." Kelly said suddenly jumping like a monkey.

"I see you do but do you care to tell me? Or is it a secret plan too?"

"Oh sorry, telling just got a little excited"

"Yeah little excited" I said mocking her

"OK fine, I am telling, see this park seems to be the attraction of the town. This park is like a meeting spot, an important place" she said in a business tone.

"Yeah, I see it too, Kelly"

"If we invest some money on a mike and speakers and you sing a song in this park, they will definitely love it and then we can ask them to come to the cafe to listen more and what's better than coffee when you are listening to some songs." she suggested

"And this would increase the popularity if they love my songs. Perfect "I said

"See I have got brains"

"Oh yes, you do but now don't start with your victory  -" I said but Kelly started dancing like a maniac.

"Here we go, Kelly please stop it, we need to hurry to the cafe if we don't want to get lost in a new town" I said looking at her victory dance.

We started for the cafe and reached there in about 10 minutes.

"So you are back. What do you think about this town, beautiful right?" Laura asked the moment we entered the cafe.

"Yeah it is beautiful and also quite peaceful "Kelly answered

"It's already time to close the cafe lets head home and then you can tell me if any idea came up while you were wandering, " Laura said and we headed towards her home.

The trip back was not too long. We finally reached her home. Her home was not quite big but looked cozy as her cafe. It had a small garden in front of it and lots of trees. It was too made of wood and had a positive aura around it. We went inside and got hit by the soft smell of coffee and warm heat from the fireplace.  

  (the house)  

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  (the house)  

Apart from that, the house was very well furnished and had some good paintings hung on the wall. There were enough windows for sun rays to seep in.In one corner of the house, there was pop music blaring... wait, pop music? Yes, it was pop music that too also 'Just like fire' by Pink. I assumed that we were going to live with a girl of maybe our age.

"Beth come down and see who we have here, "Laura shouted

"Coming Grandma" came the voice of the girl probably named Beth. After some minutes a girl of about 11 years in a pink dress and a ponytail came down. She also had brown hair and OMG!! dimples formed on her cheeks when she smiled at us.

"Here I am Grandma, how are you? and who are they?" she asked

"They will be living with us Beth and they would work for the café" Laura said

"I hope you love music otherwise I won't talk to you." Beth said pointing towards us

"We do love music and we see you have a fine taste in music, I think you should try listening to Shawn Mendes and Zara Larsson, listening to your music choice you would love them. And by the way I am Sara and this is Cara." Kelly introduced us to Beth.

"Okay if you girls are done with your talking and fangirling, let's head to the dinner table for food because I am really hungry right now," Laura said

We all went to the dining table which was very attractive as it had food on it. We had some rice and steak. Laura showed us our room and we found it quite good and cozy, it was like the rest of the house, warm and had this homely feeling and we were suddenly drawn to it. It was having two separate beds and a study.

Laura sat on one of the beds and asked us about the plan. We told her about the little concert we would be doing in the park and how this would help her. She agreed to this and said that she would be arranging a mike for us. She finally bid us goodbye and went off to sleep.

"* sigh* this is the first night after our rough night in the forest" Kelly said jumping on the bed

"Yes, it is Kelly, but it's better than the rough ground of the forest," I said trying to lighten up the mood

"Well, goodnight the show starts tomorrow"

"It does, goodnight to you too Kelly" we bid our goodnight and drifted to sleep.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys, you must have noticed that I changed the title of the book from "The Lost Girl's Revenge" to "Vengeance of the Lost". 

Do comment how you think about the new title.

Edited on 13-11-17 

Wooho!! Vengeance of the Lost is ranked #199 in teen fiction. Big thanks to everyone who supported me.

Don't forget to vote and comment and definitely share.I will try to update sooner.

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