Chapter 6

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Alex's POV:

Silence, sometimes it is the only answer which you get out of life. The questions you ask are left unanswered. Some people say silence is like a disease, once spread hard get over it, the silence of soul and what life has and some say silence is the answer. The answer to everything. But right now, at this moment, it was not answering my questions the silence which I earlier enjoyed, I hated it right now. I wanted answers and I was not getting them.Period.

I woke up to chirping birds and warm sunlight rays peeping from the leaves of the huge trees. At first, I thought everything was normal but as I observed the surrounding- trees, grass, birds realization hit me and hit me so hard that all those tears that were hidden somewhere in the back of my eyes bundled up along with the emotions started to pour out like someone had left the tap open. Seeing my messy self Kelly scooted near me and wrapped her arms around me. We had not talked since the heartbreaking, heart clenching incident because we knew we had to give space to each other. We both had lost something. Moreover, we were in complete shock for past one day.

Kelly broke the silence "Shh. Alex everything is good, everything is fine" as she wiped my tears.

"G-good? Fine? No Kelly the situation is totally opposite, nothing is good. nothing is fine. We have lost everything and I don't know" I started crying even louder "how we can get it back or are we ever gonna get it back. He is out there finding us and right now we are very vulnerable" I said between my sobs.

"At this point in time, even I don't know what to do, but you know what my mother said when she was dying? She told us to keep our composure and think " Kelly comforted me

"You are right Kelly, I think we need to find a way to get out of here. Last night there were no attacks on us but we can't be sure for today." I said as I wiped my tear stained cheeks.

Kelly's POV:

I saw Alex lying beside me on the forest ground. The situation I am in now, its something I cannot comprehend. My heart wishes for this to never happen but then my brain tells me about what has happened. In just 24 hours I have lost my mother and the people I loved and cared for. Even before my mother was recruited as Mr. Henry's secretary she was broke but talented. I have seen the bad days. Alex's family supported us and she is like a sister to me. She goes through a lot, her parents don't spend time with her. I will never leave her, I have promised


We got out of the car and went towards the house

"The house seems unusually quiet. don't you think Alex?" I asked Alex

"Affirmative,let's see what's going on,look there seems to be no one around" she replied

"Mom!!!" I shouted as I saw my mom lying on the floor.

"Aunt Martha?" Alex said in shock

"Mom! mom what happened? who did this? Mom tell me. Mom speak something. Mom!"I exclaimed as I saw her, my mother lying on the ground covered in blood and shot in her chest

"Martha, who did this say something please, where are mom and dad?" Alex asked

She pointed her finger to the direction of the house. Alex rushed to the door of the house. I could not leave my mother so I stayed there.

"Mom you need to speak, who did this?" I asked her as tears formed in my eyes again

"Kelly, listen to me, will you."

"Sure mom I would "

"You need to take care of Alex, she was already not in a good state, she never got enough love and care from her parents " she coughed a little "and now they are gone. Promise me you will never leave her side ever. Their family has helped us a lot. She will be broken you need to help her and you both have to stay together always." She said as she laid down struggling to speak.

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