Chapter 4

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Alex POV:

Shopping- an eight-letter word but a big burden to me. I mean, can a person spend money on clothes when they know that they already have some and not few but a hell lot of clothes, a mountain of clothes. I have always hated the idea of shopping, so all my clothes are either bought by my mom or Kelly. I feel exotic clothes are a waste of money, a simple T-shirt a pair of jeans, converse and a hoodie at times is all I need. Even though my mother gets very little time she still shops for me. As said my mom is a fashion designer herself and she has her own stores but still, at times for a change, we buy clothes from other stores. I hate it because I don't like to stand for hours and hours and stare at the clothes and especially the mannequins in their lifeless, mostly white eyes. There are instances when I make fun of the poses they are made in. Judge me all you want but when I enter a store, the first thing I do is a hunt for a seat to sit.

But today was special, it was a mother-daughter day out as my mom proposed it to be, I could not say no. I wonder how the hell did that get in her mind suddenly. I am pretty sure Martha suggested her to do so. So here I am standing in front of a clothing store in a mall wondering what could I have done differently to avoid this, not the get-together but shopping.


Beep Beep Beep

Oh, not again, the alarm clock blared as the sunshine lighted up the entire room. I could have just kept alarm on my mobile but I had so many favorite songs and I couldn't choose one. Won't be fair for others. Kelly me and Martha were spread all over the room.


"OH Shit" exclaimed Kelly as Martha took a baseball bat and smashed the clock on the table. Baseball bat yes baseball, I used to play baseball. Martha after doing her part of Dont-mess-with-with-me-clock slept again

"Is that how your mother wakes you in the morning" I asked Kelly groggily 

"No, luckily, but she is not a morning person" She answered standing up and trying to open her eyes.

"Yes, I can see it" I said and climbed out of my bed got fresh and hopped out my room towards the kitchen and met my mom there.

"Get ready we are going out" She said and walked out leaving me confused with no space for argument.

Flashback ended

"Oh, come on, come in, don't stare at it as if it is a gate to hell." Mom said dragging me in.

Well, it is hell to me I murmured. We went in and had a look at all the clothes. Series of white, black, green and possibly all the colors on this planet blocked my vision of the stool nearby and before I knew somebody had already taken it. We ended up buying a white tank top with jeans and a denim half cut sleeves jacket and also an off shoulder black top for me. My mom bought a royal blue lace dress and a professional jacket. After we were through with our shopping we went to Starbucks. Well the two-day holiday just went by and now tomorrow's school. Got to get ready now.


"Nooo" i exclaimed as I woke from a bad dream... Why does it always happen with me, this is the second time in this week when I had a bad dream.

"What happened? Had a bad dream again?" Kelly asked waking up as we had a sleepover last night. Again.

"Ya, and it was weirder this time"

"What was it?"

"I dreamt that our school was hit by an earthquake and then we both are left all alone and we are fighting the aliens and zombies to get other people back." I said panting heavily

"Well didn't I warned you saying not to watch a paranormal fiction movie at night, if we look on the brighter side, it went well at least you woke up early." she said pointing at the clock

I rolled my eyes at her nonsense logic, got off the bed and got ready for school. I am really excited to go school today because we are going to get our calculus test sheets back which will hold my shining marks. Note the sarcasm. I hurried downstairs with Kelly and surprisingly met my mother waiting for me to have breakfast.

Well, I didn't have a conversation with her about the copyright issue thing during the shopping trip and I was definitely not going to raise that topic any day. I smiled at my mom and sat at the dining table noticing that my father had woken up too and was there. I smiled and wished good morning to him too and settled down for my breakfast which had pancakes on the menu.

"I think you would be happy to know that I and your dad have taken out some time for your upcoming competition" Mom said.

 A feeling of happiness gushed through me after listening to this. I was selected in a debate competition, and my parents were invited, I thought they would not be able to take out time but eventually, they had. I hugged my mom and dad, said thank you. And rushed out for school.  


"How did it go?" Kelly asked

"Like awesome, totally cool, I had not expected this result, mom and dad would be so proud of me. " I said cheerfully after coming out of my calculus class carrying the sheet in my hand as the only thing valuable on the planet.

"Well I need a party girl" Kelly said wiggling her brows

"Sure why not" I said heading towards the cafeteria.

We took a regular, not noticed much, seat.The cafeteria was filled with several kinds of people, gossiping, celebrating, complaining.That was all we did, we were never into food fights, but soon I was disturbed by an annoying sound of an annoying person, you guessed it...

"Hey Alex, I hope I didn't disturb you, did I?"

"Well actually you-" 

"Oh, of course not, just wanted to wish you a happy day ahead. Enjoy!!" Bethany said leaving me stunned. I am pretty sure I was going to say no to her offer of talking.

"What was that, did that just happened or was I dreaming? Bethany...sweet no never" Kelly said

"Yes, you are right how come she is being so nice to me? Either she is planning a plot against me or she is under medication, "I said

"Or has got a dare."Kelly completed me.

God save me, her pranks are not at all pleasing, this sweet greeting was not to be taken lightly but I was happy about my calculus test so did not pay much attention.


The day at school finally got over. I was waiting for Kelly in the parking lot when she finally came running towards me.

"Where in the world were you? Who takes this much time to come out of school?" I said furiously

"Sorry just got stuck with some work" she said and we took off to home in my car. Yes, I had a car finally along with a  license, I am 18 man.

We reached home and got out of the car. Today we had planned a subway party but of course after telling our parents about it.

"The house seems unusually quiet. don't you think Alex?" Kelly asked me suspiciously

"Affirmative let us see what's going on, there seems to be no one around" I replied shutting the door

We headed towards the door of our bungalow and little did I know that what I was going to see would change my life.... forever.

Authors Note:

Any guesses?? well, i though of revealing the twist in this chapter but seems like I love to see you waiting... I know that's bad... but still

well what I have noticed id people usually read and not vote. Please don't do this with me vote my story plss..

Edited on 23-10-17

don't forget to


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