Chapter 21

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"We have reached" The moment I heard it, I leaned out the window, even more, letting the Vegas air hit me as I took in the beautiful view in front of my eyes. Lights, shimmering lights everywhere, on the buildings, in the night sky. So ironic that fate has brought me to a place full of lights when my life itself is itself plunged into darkness. We were traveling on a road which seemed to be really cut off as there was no sight of a single vehicle. We came to halt after some time on the roadside 

"Now what?" Ethan said but I just could not process it so kept quiet

"Alex, wakey wakey," Kelly said in a sing-song way and after 2 minutes of silence, a plan struck me. I took out my phone and jumped out the van. I dialed the number of an old acquaintance and fixed some arrangements and meetings. Keeping my the phone back in my pocket I turned around to meet three ears pressed against the van's window trying to eavesdrop but failing miserably at it. I went towards the van and banged on the door two times.

"I can see you" I shouted as they shuffled inside the van" Come out" In a minute all of them were out and looking intently at me as if I was going to announce the opening of a candy store. I rolled my eyes at their childishness.

"Jeremy you will take us to Hotel Vegas, we are having a room booked for us there as we will be staying there for some days then we will see what to do" I said and went into the van. "And yes drop me off at the 'Bar Beer'"

"'Bar Beer'? Why?" All three of them asked at once

"I have some work, you guys go to the hotel and I will meet you there" I said putting on my earphones to cancel their chatter. 

After driving for another 15 minutes we reached the Bar, "Just tell him our fake names Kell and they will give you the rooms" I said as I got off and after assuring that they left I went it. As soon as I opened the door the smell of beer hit me. The shop was antiquely designed with wooden floors and a counter just in front of the entry gate. The tables were also made of wood and the chairs were more like a sofa. There were not many people scattered around the place. I moved to the counter and asked for water. The lighting was warm and perfectly aroused the feeling of getting drunk.

"Are you sure you know that this is a bar young lady? " The man at the counter said narrowing his eyes at me

"I know it is a bar, but giving me water would not hurt your hands " I replied icily.

"Oh give this young woman some water or she will beat you up" came a voice from behind. I turned around and saw Mr. Mark standing there. The moment I saw him my mouth tugged into a smile as I stretched my hand forward.

"Hello Mr. Mark" I said 

"Long time no see Alex, how are you doing?" He said smiling politely

"I am good Mr. Mark how are you?" I asked 

"I am doing good Alex, I have got what you wanted, let's head to the conference room" He said as he led me to a room behind the counter. The room was also well furnished and well lit. 

"Here are your necessesities," He said handing me a bag " This contains the mone-" He was cut off when a certain someone I did not know barged through the door.

"Put your hands in the air Mark your death has come" said the I-have-a-gun man

"Marcus you traitor, how could you" Mark said. It was like I was in a soap opera.

"How could I not, this was the only place where you had the least security once I kill you I am going to take over this gang of yours" He said and came closer to him and motioned me to back off  "And looks like you have a beautiful guest" 

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