Chapter 9

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A/N: These pictures have nothing to do with the chapter. It's just that I like these very much.

Alex POV:

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Alex POV:

Of all the people in the world or should I say in this town these boys decided to trouble us? I mean were we less troubled that they came along too? The moon was still shining brightly which meant that we were not in utmost darkness. The boys were having a dark, cunning personality, all of them in a leather jacket, with tousled hair and smirks on their faces, in short, typical troublemakers. They were walking towards us when all of a sudden a heavy voice cut them.

"Stop where you are and back off from these girls " A man's voice roared, The boys turned around and instead of getting scared of the person, they moved towards him. I could not see the face of the man nor could Kelly, but we were sure he could protect us otherwise why would he bother putting his nose in our matters. Even though he was not visible from where we were standing, we expected him to be a young man and as per Kelly a hero in a shining armor, but what we were not expecting was an old man. The men gave way to him and when we saw him, well let's just say all of Kelly's dreams shattered, he was not very young and kind of old. With a not too crooked but crooked figure and hard eyes which had their harshest glare on, he looked around 60 but it was hard to guess his age and look at his features as he had a cloak wrapped around his body. What we also did notice was that he took the support of a stick.

"What would you do old man? Beat us with your stick? " one of them asked and all of them laughed

"You wouldn't want the answer to that question, young man. " he said in his English-Chinese accent.

"Oh is it" another one replied and moved towards us.

"Oh, you boys," The old man said and in seconds, all the boys were on the floor groaning with pain with the old man standing beside them brushing off the imaginary dirt. It would be an understatement of our expressions if I say we were shocked because what we saw was beyond what we had imagined.

"These type of people will keep on coming, you will have to be prepared and safe for the next time. I know you both girls are new to this town" He said while picking up his stick "and I also know that you have come with a secret that you don't want anyone to know about but remember that 'every person should get justice, If one does not get it, then fight for it- revenge turns to vengeance when it is taken for the sake of justice." He continued, and showed us the way towards the home and went off to god knows where.

We reached home and during the trip back, we did not talk. We both were beyond amazed. We ate the dinner and told Laura about the business and our day excluding the boys and the man part. Already we were so tired that we couldn't play with Beth and so we went to our room.

"Did you too feel kind of spooky?" We asked each other at the same time.

"Ya I did" I answered

"Me too" Kelly replied.

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