Chapter 13

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Alex's POV:

Even though I was the daughter of a successful couple who was also quite renowned in the political industry, I never wanted to be in a limelight because of it and so mostly I hid my identity and avoided using my family status, unlike the popular belief that children of rich people are spoilt brats and use their name to the fullest, for me, living a normal life was what something that topped my priority list. This resulted in circumstances where people did not know that I was the daughter of Mr. Henry and for me, it was going great that way. But since the major turn of events, I have got to know that I was not that unidentified and sitting in this restaurant looking at a bewildered, shocked face I am now more assured.

"Alex and Kelly" He exclaimed wide-eyed looking ready to fall and before we could stop him he stood up from his seat and started looking everywhere as if he was searching for something, which looked weird and was catching other people's attention so we pulled him down to his seat. He sat down staring at us with mixed expressions. You name them and they were there on his face.

"You know us??" Kelly asked keeping her tone low while looking around.

"Of course. I know you, I mean who doesn't?" He said loudly

"Shhh... just whisper and Everyone?" I said

"Yes, I mean you are the girls who vanished mysteriously. You are Mr. Henry's daughter " He said pointing towards me " and you his secretary's daughter" pointing towards Kelly. "But you were supposed to be dead right?"

"Yes we were supposed to be dead but we aren't and you need to keep your volume low. You seem to know too much, we will-" I was cut off by Jeremy

"Don't kill me please, Mr. Henry was an idol to me."

"Come on drop the dramatics, we are not going to kill you, you know too much and talking about it here would not be wise, let's head to our apartment." Kelly said getting up pulling her hoodie closer.

"O-okay but the food?" He said 

"Seriously Food?? move" I said shoving him out after the longing looks he gave to the food kept on the table.

We quickly closed the doors and switched on our lights. Kelly went over to the window and pulled the drapes shut, we placed our gun on the table and told Jeremy to sit the moment we reached the apartment. There was an awkward silence for about five minutes which was broken by the man himself.

"So.... How did you come to know about me?" Jeremy asked

"We needed a tech genius to execute the plan we have been plotting for three years. We had our eyes on you for some time and eventually found you." Kelly explained while twirling the gun on the table.

"Well, I have a question. Why did Mr. and Mrs. Moore along with Martha commit suicide?" Jeremy asked 

"They didn't," I said grimly and told him the whole story which he listened to very keenly showing emotions at various instances. "And that's why we need your help, we have told you everything and have put our trust in you if you betray us you are dead you get it?" I continued giving him a glare which surely frightened him as he squirmed in his seat.

"You won't need it, I am in, Mr. Henry has done a lot for me and there is a thing or two I need to repay James for." He said with seriousness for the first time."Your plan is perfect and quite well plotted but this" He said pointing towards us "won't work"

"What do you mean? Kelly said and I narrowed my eyes at him

"What I mean is people piece things together fast, especially James. When he would see that someone is destroying his empire and that 'someone' are 'some girls' he would understand that those are Mr.Moore's daughters. But if you would execute this as boys or men then there would be less suspicion. And when you both cornered me in the alley, I really thought you were some boys so it would be easy for you." He continued.

"mm.. you are right. We will do it." I said and stood up. Taking my gun along I walked towards my room signaling the conversation to be over.

"You may go back but remember our eyes are on you" I said before finally shutting the door.


"Good morning, Kelly and Jeremy? When did you come?" I asked as I headed towards the kitchen after waking up and getting fresh.

"Um... I came here in the morning itself along with some information on James and his sycophants." Jeremy answered.

"So what are you waiting for?" I asked him icily

"F-food?" He answered

"Oh come on Alex you don't have to be all icy and cold on him." Kelly objected as she placed two plates with pancakes piled on them.

I ignored her as I had a piece of the dish. " So what is going on?"

" Jeremy said that we will have to wait for some hours before kicking some butts" Kelly said as she started eating.

"And we are moving out of here" Jeremy cut in

"What?" I asked in confusion. Even though I knew this has to be done I was still baffled as to how he knew about this.

"After you start executing this plan, you would have to move to a more secret place and I have found one- The warehouse." He said showing a picture of a warehouse on his tab." This is a covert place no one knows about. It is mine but we can turn it into our headquarters. And this is the information"

1) Name: Josh Hutch

Family: None

Place: Allen Streets, Brook house

Designation: Vice president of James company

2) Name: Carl Matthews

Family: 1 wife and mother

Place: Beach Street, GoldenEye

Designation: Assassin of James and a close friend

3) Name: Adam Connors

Family: 1 girlfriend

Place: Fifth Avenue, Golden Retriever

Designation: Has a mysterious job, perhaps killing of people

4) Name: Jeff Jones

Family: No one

Place: James home

Designation: PA and best friend of James. Owns a gang"

"Great work, these all were present at that time as far as I remember, so who will be our first target" I said while inwardly praising myself for choosing the right guy.

"Adam Connors will be the first. Today he is coming to an art exhibition at the Frick Collection. That's where you will finish him" Jeremy said

"Well then let's get going" Kelly said skipping towards her room for packing.


Author's Note:

This is again the edited chapter...

Edited on 07-1-2018

 Hope you guys liked it.Sorry for the short length. All places are fictional.

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